Bailing Water seems to have sunk with the notion of registering. If I were WELS, I would say, "No I am not turning my ID over to the WELS KGB." In fact, I believe that was the plan, to end any discussions even hinting that WELS is less than perfect, heaven on earth, a synod so glorious that eternal bliss will seem to be a bit disappointing in comparison.
I did like one idea from BW. That is - adopt a name for your anonymous posts and stick with that name. I can tell a friendly Anonymous from the ever-wrathful and petty Rev. Mouse, but a host of readers may become confused. What happened to Anonymouse? Why is he so intelligent and friendly today? Did the prunes start working? Did they switch therapies? Did he reconcile with his Life Partner?
I am not going to register people.
Participants are welcome to use their real names, but are not compelled.
All comments come to me first as email. I have had background information sent to me but not posted. Some send email that I do not post, quote, or discuss. As I have told many, "I don't burn sources. That is why I have so many."
I have to save some for later commentary. Some days are too busy for writing.