Friday, February 22, 2008

Who Told You?

Hanging Around

One of the funny effects of Ichabod is reflected in the typical clergy response to the truth: "Who told you?"

One person asked about The Love Shack being sold. "Who told you?" Are WELS pastors worried about people reading Ichabod?

No, the rumor came from The Love Shack. They decided--in the midst of a massive real estate meltdown--that they might entertain offers to sell 2929. That was printed in the latest PR release, before the shocking news came out in Ichabod. I think 2929 is what they would get for the building - $29.29.

One time a WELS pastor sent statistics around to various ministers. The synodical president phoned, "Who told you?" He said, "The figures are from the WELS statistics book." WELS pastors call it The Book of Sins. Larry Olson's congregation never grew, so WELS made him the Waldo Werning Professor of Church Growth at Martin Luther College. Yes, WELS pastors looked up Larry's statistics every year...and laughed.

When a news reporter asked the former SP about the WELS pastor living in adultery, the SP pounced on a pastor at convention and demanded, "Did you tell?" No denial of the facts. No discipline.