Thursday, March 6, 2008

The 2008 President

The torch is passed.

During the Superbowl, second half, I was going to post my prediction, the Giants by 3 points. But I procrastinated. The game was too good to stop watching.

So I am going to predict the presidential election. I do not like any of the candidates, so no bias is involved.

John McCain will be elected.

If Hillary wins the nomination, the Obama fans will still vote for her, but enough will stay home to swing key states. She reminds too many men of their ex-wives or their mothers-in-law, perhaps both. Conservative male voters may hate McCain, but they loathe Hillary.

If Obama wins the nomination, the fragile nature of his fame will become apparent. His connections with big Muslim money, his previous Muslim training, and his bomb-throwing friend will work against him. He has already shown he has a glass jaw. He told one journalist not to make fun of his ears. When Hillary began to work on him, he suddenly looked shell-shocked. When curtains close in the voting booth, many open-minded voters will not vote for him. Hispanics do not vote for Blacks. White males are not likely to vote for a Black Muslim (or) former Muslim who belongs to a Black supremist UCC congregation. Obama's congregation is a Black version of the KKK.

Obama's wife, as one reader noted, is not a vote-getter. The more she talks, the fewer votes he will get.

A contested nomination (Ford when he ran against Carter; Carter when he ran against Reagan) will normally doom the candidate. The Democrat convention promises to be as violent as the 1968 Chicago convention.

The biggest factors against McCain are the genuine conservatives and the economy. Conservatives do not like him for open borders, the education bill, voting against ANWR, and a few other matters. Also, we are in the midst of a world-wide financial panic. Most people do not know how bad it is. If sufficient measures are not taken, the results will go against the party in power. President Bush's endorsement is not going to help much.