Wednesday, May 21, 2008

CCM Peacocks in WELS

Inquiring minds said...
Please explain your comment that the COP seems to be on a "confessional witchhunt" lately. It might be helpful to give specific examples. Is this a witchhunt hunting confessional people, or a witchhunt by confessinal people? Your phrase could be understood either way. Again, specific factual examples would seem to be in place.

May 16, 2008 6:01 AM

John said...'s the deal. Look at who is the COP representative on this ad-hoc committee. He certainly seems to be a good 'ole boy. In fact, Vi continually scolds his own district pastors that they better not take pots shots from the weeds.

His very own district has several congregations being led by pastors that are glossy eyed over Church growth methods and in fact look more Methodist than Lutheran.
Yet no church discipline is carried out on these pastors. He looks the other way. However, when a confessionally liturgical pastor or pastors stand up and point out the reformed flaws in the synod they are driven down and out.

May 16, 2008 9:16 AM

John said...
Just shout'in,

The most recent WELS contemporary worship service I attended was more like an ole fashion Methodist revival than a confessional Lutheran church service. So that is what I mean by reigning in the liberal Methodist practices happening in the WELS. So I will flesh this out. First of all, this church doesn't have Lutheran in its name. The Sunday service began with a greeting by the robeless and tieless reverend who isn't addressed as pastor at all. Then he asked us to turn and greet our neighbor. Than the praise band leader took over and led the audience in a few pop songs. The first one being "Here I am to worship" and another couple of diddies about our great God (I think the melody was taken from a U2 song). The reverend than lead a Bible study type sermon that lasted about 30 minutes. The offering happened next, followed by some prayers. A contemporary version of Amazing grace was sung next. Then the blessing (hurray). One more pop song and the Methodist revival was done. I kid you not. Oh yea, there of course was a powerpoint with the lyrics and a small little kiddie church going on across the hallway since the kiddos can't read or see the powerpoint cause of the swaying adults (I kid you not). I thought the mrs in front of me was doing the electric slide. The service was held on a Sunday during the lenten season. But this church doesn't hold Wednesday evening lenten services (ie Methodist?).

So I hope that paints a better picture for you.

May 18, 2008 10:38 PM