Monday, May 12, 2008

Norm Supports Norm

Norm Teigen Campaigns for Sen. Norm Coleman

Why won't Norm Teigen work for Al Franken? Al is so famous and oh, so funny. Someone observed that the last time Franken made someone smile was around 1990.

Franken has some tax and legal problems. He did not pay taxes and workman's comp in about 17 states. He did not pay the health insurance premiums of his employees. His Air America was awash in other claims of fraud and misuse of funds. I never heard anything from Air America, but its audience never seemed to break into four figures, from what I heard.

Meanwhile, Norm Teigen is smiling. His pictures of the campaign are fun to see.

Some think that Al Franken might be forced to withdraw as a candidate, in spite of his traits being so well represented in the US Senate already.