Saturday, June 28, 2008

L P Cruz - Guest Writer

Ft. Wayne graduates, Eldonites. Do we look Eastern Orthodox?

L P Cruz

"Pr. GJ,

Thanks for blogging you keep many of us sane.

I linked to your post on the EO migration from a certain seminary here

Why I Prefer Uni Education


Thursday, June 26, 2008
See why I prefer uni education?


Ichabod blogged a couple of months on how a seminary can have grave influence on its graduates for good or ill. It all depends on who is teaching.

In one of his posts, he blogged about a recent graduate from a "confessing" seminary here; the gentleman is said to be just one of the many who have either journeyed to Rome or Constantinople. The thought is this - it alleges that the said seminary produces graduates who eventually abandon the "confession". Ironic, if it were true, then this suggests that it seems to produce more defectors than defenders of the "confession".

A few months ago, I said why I prefer university education over seminary when it comes to ministerial training here. Did you get my point why I prefer university education?

You see in a university education - when it comes to theology at least there you recognize right away your "enemy". In the university, the liberals let you know right away that they do not believe the Bible is revelation, they tell you it is a work of myth etc. etc. In that respect the liberals are more ethical compared to Christian professors in seminaries. Liberals show their colors right away. In seminaries you do not know the "moles" or the "in-plants", it is so easy to hide behind the smoke and jargon.
Posted by L P Cruz at 9:01 PM Labels: education
9 Dialogs:

William Weedon said...
I'd be curious if you could substantiate that it produces "more defectors than defenders." I suspect that's a gross overstatement. If two or three left from every class over the last 10 years, how would that amount to more than the numerous pastors who remain in the Lutheran Church's ministerium?

1:39 AM


GJ - Go to Extra Nos for all the comments. The claim is easy to substantiate. In the LCMS, no one is defending Lutheran Orthodoxy and refuting Rome/Constantinople or Church Growth. If one pastor is, then the outflow is already larger than the defenders. Someone refuted the Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox position. Concordia Publishing House refused to print the book. NPH (WELS) refused to print it. Otten barely mentioned it during the pope's visit, but Otten is very good at promoting Baptist books.

Prancing around the doctrinal issues has become the Merry Widows Walz of the 21st Centry. "Those who marry the spirit of this age will find themselves widows in the Age to Come."

Larry Olson (DMin, Fuller Seminary) bragged that more LCMS men went to Fuller Seminary for graduate education than went to the two seminaries for advanced work. Missouri is doing a great job recruiting for Fuller, but WELS is too. Larry teaches Enthusiasm at Martin Luther College in New Ulm. Like his mentor, David Valleskey, he has made a career out of shrinking the synod through Church Growth methods.