Monday, August 4, 2008

Non Lutheran Female Pastor Featured at LCMS Youth Retreat

The next frontier, but only legalists will oppose it.

Click here for the link about the LCMS Youth Conference.

This should not be a big deal for the conservatives. LCMS SP Al Barry had no trouble with a husband and wife giving a joint Bible study (so they would not seem to be leading a service). The Sunday service - no, Bible study - looked just like a regular worship service. The Biblical phrase is - a woman in authority over men, or teaching men. She was definitely teaching men.

Women teach men throughout the old Synodical Conference. Women exert authority over men throughout the old Synodical Conference. Changing the issue to voting and ordination is a red herring.

Also, when ELCA Pastor Barb Lundblad preached at an LCMS congregation, nothing was done. I recall that was during the golden Barry era.

I tried to tell Paul McCain that ELCA women vicars were preaching, baptizing, and consecrating at LCMS congregations, but he did not want to hear it. They wrote up their vicarage stories for the Trinity (ELCA) Seminary Libary in Columbus. I read the stories myself.

Doctrinal discipline in the old Synodical Conference (and the nano-sects) = excommunicating anyone who tells the truth. Extending the Left Foot of Fellowship is reserved for conservatives alone to enjoy receiving.