A pastor asked me about ELDONA, so I replied that I would respond on Ichabod.
James Heiser started the group of LCMS expatriates. The supposed motivation for creating another micro-synod was the DP Bente participation in the Yankee Stadium pan-religious Oprah Winfrey Show, a 9-11 memorial. Dan Preus turned turtle, Wally Schulz said "Naughty, naughty," but both were turned out of office. The Missouri Synod is supposedly against unionism, but every LCMS circuit meeting is an act of unionism.
So ELDONA began as a protest against syncretism, which is being cosy with non-Christian groups, aka unionism on steroids, aka taking a world religion course at the community college.
Nevertheless, Heiser began a Center for the Study of Lutheran Orthodoxy with an ELCA layman on the board. Did the evil Texas DP force him? Did Benke mesmerize him? No, he said, "I had to - he bought so many books." That is a fine start for Lutheran orthodoxy. "Unionism is bad, unless I can sell more publications," as Otten has expressed in so many different ways.
Something bothered me far more - even more than the secrecy with which the group operates, like some branch of the John Birch Society, which is Heiser's number one love.
The Heiser confab is far too friendly with Eastern Orthodoxy. Long ago and far way, when he ran the print shop for the LCS in Decatur, Illinois (Bishop-for-Life Randy DeJaynes and his Bishopette wife, who preached for Randy), Heiser got involved with infant baptism. I don't know what happened, but the LCS (in fellowship with the ELS for one, brief, shining moment) got into some issue over infant communion and the little group blew apart. One version is that DeJaynes recruited an infant communion fanatic to join the LCS. I am not so sure.
Another group Heiser serves--as a covert operator--is the oddly named Augustana (sic) Ministerium. (There already was an Augustana Ministerium, but perhaps we have used all the good names and now need reruns and remakes, like King Kong, Father of the Bride, and Cape Fear.) When the Augustana (sic) group met, they had Gary Gehlbach speak to them. Gehlbach is known throughout the LCMS as the guru of infant communion.
And infant communion is the distinguishing characteristic of Eastern Orthodoxy. The LCMS pastors are going bonkers over it, a day late and a dollar short, as usual. The LCA was yakking up infant communion in 1975 when I was at Notre Dame.
Here is one Augustana (sic) conference:
“Eastern Orthodoxy and Lutheranism on Original Sin,” by Rev. John Rutowicz, Part 1 Part 2
“Eastern Orthodoxy and Lutheranism on Justification,” by Rev. David Juhl, Part 1 Part 2
“Eastern Orthodoxy and Lutheranism on Sanctification/Theosis,” by Rev. Gary Gehlbach,
Arjay noted that the advantage of joining the Augustana (sic) group was "Each new pastor can be a dean of something."
Administrative Council:
Rev. Bruce Ley, Superintendent; Rev. Dr. Kent Heimbigner, Legate;
Rev. Drew Newman, Recording Secretary; Rev. Gregory Schultz, Bursar;
Rev. Eric Stefanski, Dean of Communications; Rev. Dr. Steven Hein, Dean of Education; Rt. Rev. James Heiser, Dean of Missions; Rev. Dr. Micheal Strong, Dean of Pastoral Care; Rev. Jeffrey Ahonen, Dean of Pastoral Recruitment
ELDONA has about 10 congregations. Malone, Texas has its own building while Nile, Michigan has its own trailer. I am often baffled by the Nile website, where the links appear and disappear, Brigadoon-like.
ELDONA is very concerned about vestments and the office of bishop.
All the cryptos are turning adiaphora into matters of confession. My intuition tells me these people are sinuflecting toward Rome, taking as many gullible people with them as they go. I could accept the incense, purple shirts, long beards, and episcopal titles, if they were not baby steps to Rome. Because they are baby steps to Rome, the trappings of the Antichrist should be avoided at all costs.
"Oh no," they cry. "We are being true to the Reformation and the Early Church." So was John W. Fenton (still working in LCMS circles) until he joined Eastern Orthodoxy and repudiated Lutheran doctrine.
Richard J. Neuhaus called himself a "confessional Lutheran" until he became a priest. He became the Catholic he always was, but he never marketed himself as a papist until he officially joined.
Benjamin Kjendal joined Eastern Orthodoxy only two years after being ordained in the LCMS. His statement is still on the congregation's website, months later. Would WELS have left my statement on their website - "I have decided to leave the Wisconsin sect so I could become the Lutheran I always was"? I doubt it. Not three months. Not three seconds.
Here is some material from an earlier post on this EO business:
"I ran into Lutheran Enignma because I was searching a source for Berg's infant communion material. Gary Gehlbach is the author of this blog:
Theosis: Achieving Your Potential in Christ (1)
In preparation for my presentation (directed discussion) for The Augustana Ministerium's Theological Conference (30-31 August 2007) in Burleson, Texas, one of the readings which I suggested was Achieving Your Potential in Christ: Theosis by Anthony M. Coniaris. Selected portions of his book can be found on the internet.
As John Fenton points out on his blog, "Orthodoxy has no central body of "confessional documents" because it does not have a central hierarchical authority." Thus I cannot attribute to Coniaris's book any authoritative status on the subject of theosis. However, numerous Orthodox parishes refer to his book as an excellent resource for those interested in discovering more about theosis. Coniaris may not necessarily be the final authority but his presentation is highly regarded among the Eastern Orthodox."
So here is my prediction once again - ELDONA and the Augustana (sic) Ministerium will be Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholic within a few years.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
What About ELDONA?
ELDONA; Eastern Orthodox,
Roman Catholic