Saturday, September 13, 2008

Broadcasting on the Internet

Gratuitous funny cat photo.

Several ministers have asked about broadcasting on the Internet. Two were Wisconsin Synod. One was Assembly of God. I was marched into the skill by a savvy layman, and I am glad for the experience. I am also showing people how this works in education technology classes.

Broadcasting on Ustream is free.

The location needs broadband - either DSL or cable. Most congregations have one or the other form of broadband. (Broadband means the size of the pipe is much bigger, which is what audio-video demand.) The audience must have broadband as well. That should be no problem overall since only a small portion of the US market is still using dial-up. Even Diablo is getting broadband. He is the last hold-out in his state.

Good lighting is very important.

A basic web camera costs $75, but better equipment should provide higher quality sound and video.

A new computer is essential, but not that expensive. The dual-core computers are almost like four-computers-in-one. Someone can get by with an older computer, but there will be a lot more problems. Feeding the signal from the computer is far more complex an operation than getting it from the source. A church buying a new one should get dual-core and maximum RAM, plus a good UPS (battery back-up). I would not let the acolytes put all their favorite video games or other programs on the computer.

Every video file can be recorded and saved.

Yes, it is new and different. Everyone will balk at the idea, as I did. There will be problems in getting it going properly. Nevertheless, the cost is laughably low. The technology mirrors the parable of the Sower and the Seed, where the seed (Word) is broadcast.