Thursday, September 4, 2008

Flopsweat Dripping from Church Growth Brows

I predict increasing howls of protests from the WELS apostates, more frantic efforts to put the brakes on the study of Lutheran doctrine. The volume of screeching is directly related to their panic at losing power.

When Church Growth was seizing control in WELS, the Enthusiasts were quiet and confident.

The Kelm/Parlow message to Rick Johnson's blog was a public way of saying, "We are big and strong." That is a sign of weakness. Gathering people around a Deformed-marketing model and bragging up the numbers is another sign of weakness. Herding more people into apostasy is not success. Fidelity to the Word is success.

Everything exposed on Bailing Water and Ichabod has been tucked away or changed. If they really believed they were in harmony with Lutheran doctrine and practice, they would not hide their gushy Sweet reviews, catastrophic offering reports, life coach positions, plagiarized sermons, etc.

These Baptist-Pentecostal tidbits disappear overnight, so that means the blog-minders are reading BW and Ichabod, notifying each other, and changing their websites or blogs at once.