An ELS mission in Minnesota has a doctinal statement identical to St. Mark's in DePere and Green Bay, Wisconsin.
To contact Pastor Oberer
Phone: 651-463-1055
Pastor Oberer grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin and lived there until he went to college at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire where he earned a Business Administration Degree. After graduation he moved back to Green Bay and worked in the paper industry. After working in the business field he decided to enter the ministry and enrolled at Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary in 2002 and earned a Masters of Divinities (sic) degree in 2007. In May of 2007 Pastor Oberer received the call to be Pastor of Hope Lutheran Church, the newest mission church of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
Pastor Oberer resides in Farmington with his wife and two children.
Aha, the light goes on: the Green Bay connection.
Oberer has Pietistic cell groups.
Small Group Studies
Small Bible study groups which meet so that people can be nurtured by God’s Word and be encouraged by one another. Some small groups include marriage groups, women's groups, men's groups, and parenting groups.
The newest mission for the Little Sect on the Prairie will follow Fooler Seminary's model. Hint: the Pentecostals and Baptists do this better because it is closer to their original doctrinal standards.
Third-rate Lutherans make fourth-rate Baptists.
Rev. Mouse wonders, "Then why has it worked so well in certain Lutheran congregations?"
Shameless apostates do not even try to walk the tightrope between the Means of Grace and the Methods of Disgrace. They appeal to the Old Adam alone. They offer a God without wrath, a Christ without the cross, a world without sin. God has allowed some apostates to have great material success in order to punish the synods for groveling before Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek, for shoveling millions of dollars into the Church Shrinkage Movement. The result? They have a few stupor-stars who will eventually embarrass everyone (even shameless synod drones) before making a shipwreck of their lives. God's wrath will continue to be revealed as the few mega-congregations openly separate from their synods and allign with each other and Willow Creek. They already began this process in the LCMS during the spineless Barry-Otten-McCain administration. The result was Kieschnick: Church Shrinkage on meth.
Dozens of LCMS congregations were alligned with the infamous Willow Creek Association, already during Paul McCain's lackluster years at the Purple Palace. When I exposed this in CN, the congregations made the Willow Creek list a secret. St. John's in Ellisville is now the biggest and baddest in the LCMS, earlier featuring a video on their website showing a stoned Jesus mocking Holy Communion. How could the pastor allow such a travesty? He starred in it!
God's wrath is revealed in pastors agonizing over the success of places like St. John's in Ellisville and St. Mark's in Green Bay/DePere. If those pastors and their members trusted in God's Word, in the efficacy of the Means of Grace, they would be content with faithfulness and let the apostates run off the cliff, as they surely will.