Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Church and Change Runs National WELS Conference Using Thrivent Money

Bored Member of Church and Change, Bruce Becker,
also has his hands on the purse strings of WELS via BPS.
When given the chance, he did not make his statement (bolded below) into one in harmony with the Scriptures and Confessions.
Obviously, Becker is an Enthusiast.

Forum to share ministry blessings

Filed Under: BPS, forum, leadership, Perish Services

To help WELS congregations reach more people with the gospel, the Board for Parish Services is hosting a national leadership forum. Leaders from 30 congregations across the country that have been blessed with significant growth in worship attendance over the past ten years are meeting in Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 16-18 to discuss ministry trends, identify opportunities and challenges, and share ideas.

"This leadership forum is being held in response to the fact that worship attendance across the synod has been declining for the last 17 years," says Rev. Bruce Becker, administrator of Parish Services. "Our ultimate goal is to learn from these congregations: what they are doing and how God is blessing those efforts. And we want to share those ideas with other WELS congregations in similar ministry settings."

To prepare for this forum, Becker says each participating congregation was asked to gather feedback from its members. "We asked them, 'What factors, beyond the power of the gospel, do you believe are contributing to God's blessing of numerical growth in your congregation?' " says Becker. "We received 100 pages of responses that are encouraging and positive."

Becker says information and ideas coming out of this forum, which was funded by special gifts and a grant from Thrivent, will be reviewed for common themes and shared with synod leaders. "Although the forum is designed to be a blessing to all of our WELS congregations, I'm convinced the congregations involved will also benefit as they learn from one another about God's amazing blessings," says Becker.


GJ - One enraged member wrote to say the initial consultation with the Perish Assistant (Kelm's new/old call) costs $300. To come back with the full Church Growth package costs $9,000.

"I assume these guys are already getting a salary from synod, right? If they are so wise and knowledgeable, holding all the secrets to grow a church, why would a church need to pay these consultants for that information? I would think they'd be giving that advice and material out for free! What gimmick or scheme from a consultant could possibly outdo what the simple Word of God preached in truth and purity can do? The synod is facing a money crunch again but they're not alone. I'm sure most of the individual churches are struggling with their own set of bills and debts to pay. How could a parish consultant look them in the eye and ask for that kind of money, let alone sleep at night?"