Doebler's Stealth Church

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Radloff Preaching at Church From Scratch - Doebler...":
Greg, Jim Radloff retired earlier this year. He is no longer in Grenada. If Joyce were a pastor, it would have said 'pastors'. They are not implying anything. What better way to honor God and your help meet by including her in your ministry. In a way aren't we all 'ministers'? For a man with your intellect, education and talent as a writer it is a tragedy that you stoop to these antics continually on this blog. How is this building the body? You call WELS the church shrinkers and yet how big is your parish? Where is your parish? A virtual online church with just you? It looks like your church as already shrunk.I will continue to pray for your peace and I would encourage all who visit this blog to do the same. Have a very blessed Christmas.
Joe Krohn, former member of Gunn's stealth congregation, current member of Doebler's Rock and Roll Church, semi-stealthy blogger at:
An Apology for a 'Rock and Roll' Lutheran Church.
Blogger Profile:
Joe Krohn
Gender: Male
Location: Cedar Park : Texas : United States
About Me
I am a member of Christ the Rock in Round Rock, Texas and part of the worship team. I started this blog to temper the legalistic opinion of some of our brothers and sisters in our Lutheran fellowship.
GJ - Denomination? Confession of faith? Buehler? Buehler? Anyone?
GJ - Joe is a regular poster to Ichabod. His grasp of English is equaled by his knowledge of Lutheran doctrine. Pastor and Mrs. Jim Radloff is the traditional caption. Joe probably knows how quickly WELS is moving toward women's ordination, which is just a confirmation that women are teaching men and in authority over men in WELS.
Aren't we all ministers? No.
A Lutheran minister is called to preach the Word and administer the Sacraments.
The Church and Chicanery crowd thinks a big apostate church is far better than a smaller faithful congregation. Just look at the crazed grins on the faces of the WELS pastors at Drive 08. Does it matter to them that their hero Andy Stanley is opposed to infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, and the efficacy of the Word? Not at all.
I don't have to hide my name on my blog or in my comments. I do appreciate the messages from Krohn. They are often wrong factually and consistently wrong doctrinally. No wonder they make his hide bristle.
I am surprised anyone reads this blog. I am shocked that a few people have survived the onslaught of false doctrine--from WELS/LMCS/ELS/CLCs--and still want to hear the Word of God.