Saturday, October 25, 2008

"This Little Light of Mine -
They're Going To Help It Shine."
What I Learned from the Net

District VP Patterson, Holy Word, Austin, Texas, led a group pilgrimage to hear Baptist Ed Stetzer at the Exponential unionistic pastoral conference. His staff minister also went. Larry Olson, DMin Fuller, is in charge of manufacturing staff ministers
at Martin Luther College.

Patterson's member Robert Timmerman is on the WELS Synodical Council. Timmerman is an elder at Holy Word.

Patterson's church council president, Ron Stelljes, is the father of Pastor John Stelljes, one of the pilgrims to see Baptist Ed Stetzer, who will speak at the 2009 Church and Change conference.

The Board for Home Missions has two representatives from the South Central District: one is a former vicar of Patterson's (Pastor Caleb Schoeneck, in Texas)...the other is a member of Patterson's church (Paul Mattek).

Baptist minister Ed Stetzer is already booked to speak at the WELS Church and Change conference in 2009.
However, Church and Change is withholding that fact from its website.

No one needs to wonder how VP Patterson could get a free vicar to do the pastoral work while he runs for higher office and chases after false teachers to adulterate the Holy Word of God. The juicy vicarage grant was not intended for an established congregation like Patterson's.

Anyone can see from the Internet information I gleaned - Patterson has allies at every level of the WELS structure. That is how the money flows. Kingdom Workers here (Doebler's Rock and Roll Church), BHM there, Synodical Conference here, Sausage Factory there.

Church and Change gurus like Rev. Bruce Becker are fed, clothed, and housed with staff salaries from the offerings of faithful WELS members. The laity imagine they are exporting the efficacious Gospel of the Lutheran Reformation, not importing Baptist false doctrine, which opposed Luther at every turn.

On Reformation Sunday, remember that VP Patterson and Paul Kelm both gave papers at The Sausage Factory about how to improve seminary education.* The last time doctrinal apostates took over a Lutheran seminary, the laity woke up and made some changes.

WELS already has voted in a new Synodical President, Mark Schroeder, so the most difficult part is over. What must follow is a dedication to sound doctrine, an insistence on the Confessions, at every level of the synod.

*The last vicar at Holy Word was Seminary Professor Tiefel's son.

The Laity Are Waking Up,
- And -
DPs Are Reading This Blog

From Bailing Water:

Anonymous said...
I talked with my pastor who is and has been outraged with what has been going on. He is not strong enough (or perhaps outraged enough) to publicly take a public stand ALONE. He would like to see a large group of pastors take a stand TOGETHER against all this stuff. The beginnings of taking a stand together was happening in the Issues in WELS group...but they have disbanded or suspended for some reason. It makes it appear that all is well in WELS. Our District President does not seem opposed to the Church and Change stuff. I will try to talk with him once more.

Can we all get our pastors together so they can take a public stand?

QUESTION: If a pastor leaves WELS before retirement age, does he lose his entire pension? Is it $$$ that is preventing some from leaving or taking a chance that taking a firm stand against things will get them ousted?

Ichabod Election Predictions

Based on reading extensive reports, my predictions for 2008:

McCain/Palin will win the presidential race. They are ahead in Missouri, which is traditionally a bellwether state.

Some other reasons are:
1. The Ayres-Obama connection is peaking at the right time, but far behind the reporting of Ichabod. O'Reilly (Harvard J-school) was weeks behind my humble blog, which has a research staff of one.
2. ACORN is pursuing their fraudulent schemes, but they should be counter-balanced by the conservative vote they will scare into the polls on election day.
3. Michelle Obama and Biden did not help the ticket, but Palin revived the McCain campaign.
4. Hispanics do not vote for Blacks, and Obama has made this a racial campaign.
5. Catholics and Evangelicals are energized to vote pro-life, and the GOP ticket is strong where Obama-Biden are genocidal. Biden is worse than pro-abortion. He is Catholic pro-abortion.
6. There are minor (for the media) doubts out there. Obama has no real history and many mysteries in his past. Some think he was born in Africa and not eligible for the presidency. All his associations are either Black communist (mentor in Hawaii, Frank Marshall Davis; Jeremiah Wright in Chicago) or white communist (Ayres and Dorn in Chicago) or radical Islam (endless list, including Rezko).
7. Hillary and Bill know that an Obama win will end her hopes for the White House. There is not enough Botox to make her a viable candidate 8 years from now. Hillary needs a McCain win to keep her hopes alive for 2012.

The economy works against McCain, and no one has tried to lose more than McCain. Still, the Bradley effect matters. Many liberals will say they are for Obama in the polls but vote otherwise in secret. Union money is for Obama. The unions have backed losers in most of the presidential elections.

House and Senate
The House and Senate will gain Democrat seats. America does not like giving the presidency and Congress to the same party. It seldom happens and it is seldom a good outcome, including GOP dominance.

I hope Coleman defeats Al Franken in Minnesota. Norman Teigen could just tip the scales there. Franken winning would prove that a lying tax-cheat bigot can beat a liberal Republican with a record. Minnesota had a professional wrestler for a governor, so anything is possible there.

Insurance Companies in Distress

EastCoast asked me about insurance companies the other day. I have some connections. I am still licensed in life and health insurance. I am not involved in selling because there are so many teaching jobs available I turn down the excess.

A few months ago I could have signed up to sell annuities from AIG. I knew it was a big company, but no one knew at the time that they were ready to go belly up from mortgage investments. I was not so sure that any given company was a good bet. I want my insurance company to live longer than I do.

Now the feds are going to prop up insurance companies, too. They already shoveled $100 billion toward AIG alone. This is madness. The piglets will rush to the sow.

All insurance companies sit on a pile of assets. In the Great Depression they had a lot of mortgages, which were distressed and kept down earnings for many years. The Empire State Building was finished just before the Depression, and it was built with insurance money. That was another lead balloon.

Property and health insurance companies also stash their cash in various investments. I recall a time when the property insurance companies bought all the way up during a stock market boom. Then it popped and they raised rates to cover their losses in the market.

Some of the market crashing is probably due to fears of Obama winning. Much of it is from massive fear, getting out of positions to gather cash or cash equivalents (federal obligations).

Everyone is going to lose from the meltdown. Universities have lost endowment totals. Insurance companies will be as strapped as banks. General Electric is both a finance and manufacturing company. Some think GE is more dangerous than a bunch of AIGs at once. I do not know enough to say.

Annuities are a good idea in certain cases. I arranged for some for my mother, and they turned out very well. Ben Stein said they worked well for his father. It is possible to get a good, secure return and leave the remainder for the estate (refund annuity, or options like the 10 year certain).

The main thing is starting with a secure insurance company. I would not even consider one lower in ratings than Northwestern Mutual or Mass Mutual. Huge insurance companies can tank as fast as a large bank. There are rumors about Met, for instance. What a salesman promises is second to a company's financial future.

Many insurance companies will consolidate, following the example of banks. In the past I have seen enormous companies get merged into credit-worth ones: Executive Life, Mutual Benefits, Equitable, General Life. Executive Life paid big dividends based on junk bonds alone, until they nose-dived.

Investments are down. Home prices are down. Prices will stay down. Look at oil. Probably the big speculators were all tied up in futures contracts betting on oil going up. Once demand went down globally, those contracts were losers. So oil prices are going down, down, down. Mrs. Ichabod asked about "the danger of inflation." We are in deflation, which is really more dangerous.

Another Sad Tale from WELS

I remember a student at Mequon who propped up his Triglotta on his desk and slept with his chin resting on it each day. He is now a Church Growth pastor in the ELS.

This story is from someone I have known for about 20 years.

He joined WELS and encouraged his entire family to leave the Lefty Lutherans.

At one point my doctrinal bulletins became too much for his true-blue WELS wife, so I took him off my list at his request. I understood the reaction. I knew friendly WELS pastors who stopped talking to me because I kept addressing the same doctrinal issues they avoided.

Later this layman wrote me to say their WELS congregation's staff went off to Willow Creek to be trained.

A fortune was spent on the building.

Everything changed at the church, which was now 100% church growthy.

I am not sure, but I think he was indicating in his note that he was leaving the Lutheran Church for good, perhaps going to an Eastern Orthodox church

Attendance had increased at their former congregation.

True, some congregations have driven away their Lutheran members and attracted some generic Reformed members. Nevertheless, the denomination's statistics look like Wall Street's on a bad day.

Thank God For Church-and-Change
Being Exposed

The triangles going up to the fish's mouth represent offering money
devoured by Church and Change buddies
(free vicars for Patterson, grant for Doebler, etc).
The triangles leaving the fish's rear end
symbolize Church and Change pooping on the synod
at every opportunity, fouling the water.

From Bailing Water:

Anonymous said...
Thank God people are finally rising up and speaking out against C&C. We need more and more people- and especially pastors- to speak up and denounce these errant ways. Insist that none of your church offerings be used to fund this group who is using our own money to fund their apostasy. Have courage and let your pastor and church leaders know how you feel about this. Go over their heads and let your synod leaders know how wrong this is and that you won't have it. They need to hear it from we, the people. Don't let the C&C crowd think they can slowly seep into your church. You'll wake up one Sunday morning and not recognize the church you've belonged to for years. Be strong and courageous. Don't sit idly by.

October 25, 2008 2:00 AM

Must It Always Be Lutheran Only? - Of Course!

The Minnesota Lutheran

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Must it always be "Lutheran only?" Of course!
Today I was asked by a local pastor in our community (of a different denomination) if I would be interested in getting together with his congregation for a joint worship service later this summer.

Some people might think to themselves, "What a great idea!" It sounds like it would be great for our congregation's visibility in the community. It sounds like it would be a wonderful chance to come together with other Christians. It sounds like it would be a chance to get together on opening the doors to the unchurched in the area.

You probably know where this is going. I politely thanked the pastor for the offer, but said I would have to decline.

Yes, it is true that I would be attacked by other pastors in our denomination for such participation--but truth be told, I would expect them to take me to task.

"But why?" you say. "Why is there all this insistence on doctrine and purity?" "Why do we have to be so full of ourselves?" I once heard the church compared to a painting, and every denomination has a brush with which the picture is painted. In fact, if the church were the painting, God would be the artist--and we would do nothing. Other churches outside the Evangelical Lutheran Church are sadly defacing the artwork of God.

How could a preacher give his people hope on Sunday morning without being able to share the wonderful news of their Baptism? There are denominations who cut out that beautiful section of the canvas. How could a preacher speak of the wonders of faith, when faith is all about your commitment? Rather, the beauty of the Church is the object of faith, Christ, which receive only as a gift of the Holy Spirit. How could a preacher promise to feed God's sheep, when bread and wine is merely bread and wine? In fact, the church is painted in the very real blood of Christ, which we drink as we eat his body in the Lord's Supper.

If we start to look for the ways that we intersect with other denominations, and cast aside the rest as leftovers, then we diminish the beauty of the Church and empty it of its gifts. In other words, as the title of this post asks, "Must it always be Lutheran?" My answer: Why would we ever not want it to be Lutheran!

Posted by RevRuesch at 6/28/2007 07:55:00 PM

Pastor Rance said...
Good post, Matt. It's one of the issues that other denominations (and some Lutherans) don't understand. I get really tired of hearing how we need Lutheranism to be "relevant" for today's world (which really means to compromise our doctrine for the sake of adding numbers). What could be more relevant than the truth of Word and Sacrament? Keep 'holding the line', brother!

10:11 AM, July 02, 2007
Anonymous said...
Pastor, you really hit the nail on the head. This is my pet peeve that it's important to even many Lutheran churches these days to leave 'Lutheran' out of the name. Note the increasing 'community', or 'this or that Ministries, or even just plain ol' Christain in leu of EV. LUTHERAN. You may read the website of one of these churches and have to dig deep before you may find something like.. they are 'affiliated' with such and such synod. As a member of WELS, I see the same thing in our synod as well. I encourage you to continue fighting the good fight, Pastor. More people appreciate it than will ever say it.

10:05 AM, September 30, 2007


GJ - Oh my, all the tall-tales I heard from WELS leaders about fellowship principles. I guess they are best viewed from a distance. District Pope Mueller explained, without laughing out loud, that WELS taught these to ELCA leaders, who said, "We could use some of those." That was at the conference where WELS Synodical Pope Mischke posed with Bohlmann and ELCA Archbishop Herb Chilstrom.

In the Wisconsin sect I heard five years of explanations - why every variety of unionism was good, proper, healthy, and Ev-an-gel-i-cal. That word is stretched out in WELS to make it more efficacious. The stretch version means - "Do whatever you want, boys." And they did.

But the Church of the Lutherean Confession (sic) was better? No, far worse. The other Tiefel, Paul, cousin of James, wet his pants in excitement, every time he praised someone Deformed, Roman Catholic, or worse. His double, Dave Koenig, was worse. The CLC (sic) protected them, excused their boorish behavior, and rewarded them in every possible way. The CLC layman Dave Menton declared it was a mortal sin to write for Herman Otten, until he wrote for Herman Otten. Then he posed for pictures with Otten. Anyone who knows the sect would say, "That is so-CLC."

This blogger wrote well about the central issue. Worshiping with non-Lutherans is the same as despising the Promises of the Gospel.

Young Church Growther --> Old Atheist.

Young Church-and-Changer-->Old Atheist.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Church and Change Jeff Davis

Jeff Davis, vice-chairman, Church and Change

Church and Change, 2007


Jeffrey Davis ( What is a generous church? How do we teach God’s people to excel in the grace of giving? When a congregation is transformed by Jesus’ message that “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35), what does it look like? Preaching and teaching about money is not something we should ignore. Jesus, on numerous occasions, addressed the issue of money and possessions. He knew that God’s people throughout the ages would face challenges and temptations of wealth. The formula for creating a culture of generosity is very simple – through God’s Word preach it, teach it, and celebrate it! This workshop will share ideas and give examples for churches intent on creating cultures marked by strong financial stewardship and biblically guided generosity. Jeff’s ideas for God’s leaders on creating cultures of generosity within Lutheran congregations will be helpful and biblically based.Jeffrey Davis has served the Lutheran church as teacher, administrator and presently, as consultant. He is owner of Cornerstone Stewardship Ministry, a consulting firm that teaches stewardship.108 A POSITIVE VIEW OF BELIEVERFS (sic) IS REALISTIC…AND PRACTICAL!

Heart In Focus - Personal Finances Training Course

This repeating course guides individual members in the basics of wise faith-focused finances for their daily lives. The course will cover the Christian attitudes behind healthy financial decisions and practical advice for giving, saving, debt removal and financially wise lifestyles. Special workshops lead by Cornerstone Stewardship Ministry leader Mr. Jeff Davis and Adult Discipleship Administrator Rev David Kehl are offered throughout the WELS Districts upon request. Heart in Focus workbooks are now available at Northwestern Publishing House to train local leaders to lead this course as an ongoing part of an annual spiritual growth curriculum.

WELS Kingdom Workers

Jeff Davis

"How about a juicy grant for Church and Change Doebler?"

FIC Author too? I thought these guys had no influence?

The bills will come

It's Christmas shopping season. Giving is part of our Christian life, but so is responsible management of our resources.

Author: Jeffrey Davis

Christmas is a time for gift giving. Many children of God love to give gifts as they imitate the greatest gift given to the entire world, the Lord Jesus Christ. Most view the Christmas season as a time to give and, in some cases, to lavish gifts upon their friends and relatives.

Yet how many times after Christmas do we receive our credit card statements or view the checkbook ledger only to realize that we spent much more than we intended? Then we realize that the added interest on the purchases increases what we spent. Often the credit card balances are already so high that we are unable to pay off the debt, and we end up only adding to our balance and going deeper into debt.

Member of

Puto ut Kelm fio. I think I am becoming Kelm.

The triangles going up to the fish's mouth represent offering money
devoured by Church and Change buddies
(free vicars for Patterson, grant for Doebler, etc).
The triangles leaving the fish's rear end
symbolize Church and Change pooping on the synod
at every opportunity, fouling the water.

Blatant copying and pasting from Bailing Water:

Friday, October 24, 2008
WELS making use of ELCA's faith program

The WELS has formed a quasi-partnership with an ELCA program:

Faith stepping stones: It is a reformed program with a dash of WELS flavor added.

Meet the ELCA leader of the stepping stones:

ELCA churches love it:

WELS pastors and others that have given consent to this program:

And these reformed leaders like it also:

It has evolved from faith inkubators:
Faith Incubators pushes the new Gospel of Social Transformation

“Faith Inkubators” was started by Rev. Rich Melheim (ELCA) who started a mentor-based program at Trinity Lutheran Church in Stillwater, MN.

By the Fall of 96 over 1000 congregations were experimenting with the program as living laboratories. “The movement currently involves 2/3 ELCA and 1/3 LCMS congregations and has its first UCC, Presbyterian, Methodist and Catholic test sites.” Yes, “Faith Inkubators” is a pan denominational, globalist, relational, catechism.

“Faith Inkubators” strives for transformation through “PROCESS”. Each child is assigned an adult mentor or “Guide” on their learning, serving, playing, praying, and growing journey. Pastors still teach content but a third of everything is taught through interactive small group learning activities. This writer evaluates the programs as enlisting spiritual guides, values clarification, and spiritual gift assessments. Melheim says he developed the program’s small group structure from Carl George’s Meta Church Model; its philosophy from William Glasser (a secular humanist and an expert in behavior modification); its business sense from MIT’s Peter Senge (author of “The Fifth Discipline”) and his own research. Theological “tips” come from Dr. Pat Keifert of the Leadership Network (

The Leadership Network, who endorses Willow Creek as a model for American Churches of the 21st Century, is also advising the LCMS Council of Presidents on how to restructure congregations and the LCMS.


GJ - What are we learning today? WELS members and pastors must work harder and faster than Church and Change.

Step One - Be informed. The material is on the websites and in the official reports.

Step Two - Study the Book of Concord. These are all old heresies.

Step Three - Ignore the screaming. The personal attacks are the Church and Change way of deflecting attention from their apostasy.

And The Ironic Humor Award Goes To...Curtis Peterson and FIC.
Wait! There's More!

Why Don't We Stop Calling Ourselves Lutheran?

Author: Curtis A. Peterson

Look up the whole article

In an effort to reach the unchurched, some Lutherans are opting to avoid labeling themselves as Lutheran when starting new churches. In one midwestern community a Lutheran mission took the name "Family of Faith Christian Church." Others call themselves community churches or take some other non-denominational name.

There is a reason for the name

When you think of it, no other mainline church body bears a person's name. Some names designate a form of church government--Presbyterian, Congregational, Episcopal. Others focus on a distinctive doctrine--Baptist, Holiness, Pentecostal. Many fast growing congregations adopt generic names such as Faith Fellowship, Grace Community, Fellowship Bible Church, or are named after the community (Elmbrook, Willow Creek Community Church).


GJ - The cover art shown is The Northwestern Lutheran, but now it is FIC. Forward in Christ is a real Lutheran magazine title! WELS is the only denominational with a stealth hymnal and stealth magazine.

More irony awaits the curious reader. Curtis Peterson loved the Church Growth Movement in the LCMS, but left to join the Wisconsin sect. Right away he was in a big church in Milwaukee and on a national board (world missions, I think - with Valleskey). No one else who joined by colloquy was graced with such preference. In fact, some long-time parish pastors might have wanted a little action like that.

Mrs. Ichabod and I were at his church, 21 years ago. He was later unhappy about my criticisms of Church Growth and reacted to them in a paper or two.

I think he is no longer a minister, at least not in WELS. (Not in WELS = de-rezzed, as in Tron, the Movie.)

Now WELS has done everything to submerge the Lutheran name. Ironic? Peterson would be thrown out today for being narrow-minded, legalistic, and disloyal to Church and Change.


Someone found this information about Peterson:

Freedom From Religion Foundation

Curtis A. Peterson holds a B.A. from Concordia Senior College, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and a M.Div and STM (l966 and l983 respectively) from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri.

In almost 30 years in the ministry in both the Missouri and Wisconsin Synods, he was an activist with many published articles supporting the orthodox Lutheran cause in the "Battle for the Bible" in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and author of several articles in the Wisconsin Synod between l987 and l995. He also delivered several essays at pastoral conferences during those years.

He served congregations in Burlington, N.C., Rock Falls, Ill., Garland, Tex. and Gretna, La., in the LCMS and in Milwaukee, Wis. in the WELS.

A Foundation member, he is now retired, resides in Wisconsin and calls himself a humanist and a freethinker.

A leader of the foundation, Dan Baker. Here is his heart-warming story:

Dan Barker
Co-president, Freedom From Religion Foundation
Minister Turned Atheist

Dan became a teenage evangelist at age 15. At 16 he was choir librarian for faith-healer Kathryn Kuhlman's Los Angeles appearances. He received a degree in Religion from Azusa Pacific University and was ordained to the ministry by the Standard Community Church, California, in 1975. He served as associate pastor at a Friend's (Quaker) Church, an Assembly of God, and an independent Charismatic church. Dan was a Protestant missionary in Mexico for a total of two years.

Dan maintained a touring musical ministry for 17 years, including eight years of full-time, cross-country evangelism. An accomplished pianist, record producer, arranger and songwriter, he worked with Christian music companies such as Manna Music and Word Music. For many years, Dan wrote and produced the annual "Mini Musicale" for Gospel Light Publications' Vacation Bible School curriculum.

For more than two decades, Dan was accompanist, arranger, and record producer for Manuel Bonilla, the leading Christian singer in the Spanish-speaking world. He accompanied on the piano such Christian personalities as Pat Boone, Jimmy Roberts (of the Lawrence Welk Show), and gospel songwriter Audrey Meier, and was a regular guest on Southern California's "Praise The Lord" TV show (Spanish). One of Dan's Christian songs, "There Is One," was performed by Rev. Robert Schuller's television choir on the "Hour of Power" broadcast. To this day, he receives royalties from his popular children's Christian musicals, "Mary Had a Little Lamb" (1977), and "His Fleece Was White As Snow" (1978), both published by Manna Music and performed in many countries.

Following five years of reading, Dan gradually outgrew his religious beliefs. "If I had limited myself to Christian authors, I'd still be a Christian today," Dan says. "I just lost faith in faith." He announced his atheism publicly in January, 1984.

Dan was PR Director of the Freedom From Religion Foundation from 1987 to 2004. He was elected co-president of the Foundation with Annie Laurie Gaylor in 2004. He is a contributing editor of Freethought Today and is involved with the Foundation's state/church lawsuits.

Losing Faith In Faith: From Preacher To Atheist
Dan's autobiographical story of deconversion, and a critical analysis of Christianity and the bible. FFRF, Inc., 1992.

Godless: How An Evangelical Preacher Became One of America's Leading Atheists Foreword by Richard Dawkins
A lot has happened in the 16 years since Losing Faith in Faith. Updating Dan's story of deconversion, Godless tells of lessons learned on the debate circuit, taking a lawsuit to the Supreme Court, and more bible criticism and debunking of theistic arguments. Ulysses Press, 2008.

Just Pretend: A Freethought Book For Children
Overtly freethought. Compares God and Santa, myth with reality, and celebrates atheism and freedom of thought. FFRF, Inc., 1988. (2002 new edition)

Maybe Yes, Maybe No: A Guide For Young Skeptics
Teaches the scientific method to children. Prometheus Books, 1990.

Maybe Right, Maybe Wrong: A Guide For Young Thinkers
Teaches humanistic morality to children. Prometheus Books, 1992.

Dan also has written a variety of educational booklets, brochures and "nontracts" for the Foundation.

See Dan's Online Writings

Media Appearances
Dan has appeared on many national television talkshows, including the Phil Donahue Show (twice), Sally Jessy Raphael Show (three times), and twice with Oprah Winfrey. He has also appeared on the national Morton Downey, Jr. Show, the Maury Povich Show, "NightTalk with Jane Whitney," "A Closer Look, with Faith Daniels," the "Shirley Show" (Toronto), Pat Robertson's CBN "Straight Talk," ABC's "Good Morning America" with host Joan Lunden, "Religion & Ethics News Weekly" hosted by Betty Rollin on PBS, the "Hannity & Colmes" talkshow on the Fox-News TV network, and Court TV's "Pros & Cons" show hosted by Nancy Grace.

Dan has been a guest on many regional TV talkshows and dozens of radio interviews across the continent. He regularly speaks and performs freethought concerts around the country at Unitarian-Universalist congregations, Ethical Culture, universities (including Harvard), and humanist conventions.


GJ - Sports fans. I have been saying this all along - young Church Growther, old atheist. Look at the WELS stuporstars of yesteryear. They are Pentecostals, Baptists, atheists, freethinkers. Church Growth principles at work.

Psst! I Heard This On the Grapevine

Actual graphic on the website. Looking for Lutheran or WELS on the graphic? Forget it.

Lutherans used to having sayings like Cross and Crown, showing how the path of the Christian was to bear the cross and share the crown of glory in eternal life. The Cross and Crown graphic is common in many older churches. The term crown is the word we use for Stephan, the first martyr, so many think the phrase crown of life was a deliberate wordplay.

But now we have a cross resting in a coffee mug and advertising aimed at coffee drinkers.

Besides that, the pastor is known for sheep-stealing from other WELS churches. The District Pope does nothing about it. The pastor (Latin for shepherd) goes to WELS members and says, "Join my church."

There in a capsule is the whole mindset of the Church Growth Movement, Church and Change. They do not convert. They sheep-steal. They undermine the discipline of other congregations, especially their own synod's, by claiming to make disciples.

The Church Growth Movement has had no positive impact on American Christianity. Millions of dollars have been spent. The only growth has been in apostasy (all denominations) and lawsuits (ditto).

I Was Sad That I Had No Shoes, Until I Met a Man With No Bio

Ski - going to bat for the Babtists.

Pastor Ski has a verbose blog, but no bio on the Church and Change website. That is carrying the stealth mode to a new level of security. Perhaps if we read Church and Change's website by the light of a full moon...

[Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pastor Ron Ash, Chairman of Church and Change...":

The above-mentioned "congregation" that is being daughtered by St Peters is Solid Rock Ministries and Pastor Jim Skorewski has accepted the call to be its pastor....

PS It's not Pastor Timothy Glende anymore. It's "Pastor Tim"]


Solid Rock?

Built on a bluff the WELS doth hide
While Babtist churches are calling...

We know he worked at St. Marcus, home of the non-Lutheran Time of Grace program (Mark Jeske). We also know another person from St. Marcus is on the board of Church and Change.

Ski flew to the Drive 08 conference to hear Baptist Andy Stanley, son of the Baptist minister who went to Korea to study under Paul Y. Cho.

The Church and Change minders are saying in their anonymous comments, "Do not be hysterical. We are few. We are weak. We are inconsequential (or something close to that word). Just tolerate us for experimenting a little. All we want to do is win people for Christ. Why are you narrow-minded bigots against us open-minded pioneers?"

District VP Patterson took a group of WELS pilgrims to the Exponential Conference to hear Stetzer, and he has all kinds of synod positions as well as a fat synod grant to pay for his vicars. And--poof--Stetzer has Church and Change on his list of speaking engagements, a fact still hidden on the Church and Change website, a fact denied by Church and Changers though debated by the WELS DPs, who frowned.

So we have two clusters from Church and Change going to hear two famous Baptist salesmen.

Stanley calls his church Northpoint Community Church, a wee bit deceptive itself, as one person noted.

And all the cutting edge Church and Changers want to use Community Church or hide Lutheran and WELS from their gullible followers. That is pure coincidence.

The WELS world and American mission people have hidden their attendance at Fuller and Willow Creek from the membership, to the point of lying openly about it. Now they are so brazen that they brag about it here and there. No one will ever know how much money has been wasted on Fuller tuition, trips to Willow Creeks, Church Growth books, Baptist and Pentecostal seminars. And it has not even worked for them.

Stetzer Pilgrim, Church Growth Guru Get To Revise WELS Seminary Curriculum

Stetzer Pilgrimage leader Patterson edits for FIC and tells the seminary how to improve its curriculum. "We need a big ol' bathtub up front the chapel, jus' like those fast-growing Babtists." His latest vicar is the son of seminary professor James Tiefel.

Paul Kelm, DMin (Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis), Fuller Seminary veteran, gave a paper to advise the seminary too.

Seminary training

Awhile ago a WLS alumni wondered about the changes taking place in the Seminary curriculum. The curriculum developers are looking to make sure that the sem and its students are kept current on the cutting edge methods that are being used by "others" are also studied and used by new WELS pastors.

The president of the sem, faculty, students and others sat at the feet of the leading Church and Change promoters to hear what the Baptists are doing and how we should be following their lead.

Official Seminary Report:

Seminary faculty, the school presidents, representatives from current students, from pastors, from teachers, from laypeople, from various areas of ministry, from governing board members, and from district presidents will all gather on these two days to discuss these presentations given by Pastor Paul Kelm, President Paul Prange, and Pastor Don Patterson.

Was Prange used to balance the non-Lutherans or is he another Church and Change Cheerleader?

Kathie Wendland, Church and Change

Women Leadership - Conference Breakout 202....
WELS “Women Leaders – No Longer an Oxymoron”

Kathie Wendland

Join us for a reprise of the WELS Women Leadership Conference originally held July 7, 2007, at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Discuss the keynote address Kathie presented at this conference and the three Bible studies led by pastor/laywoman teams. Teaching styles and methods more prevalent among women will be used. This will be a Bible study of leadership styles used by women in Scripture, a sort of an “ugly, bad, and good” look at them.


Matt Doebler, Church and Change, Stetzer Pilgrimage

WELS has money for aping the Baptists: "10) Christ the Rock – Round Rock, Texas. Pastor Matthew Doebler. The ministry has been enriched by a generous grant ($13,000) from the Kingdom Workers National Project program."

Website - Ministry Resource
Matt Doebler

Develop a website, which shares ministry resources (such as special services, Bible studies), for different areas of ministry. Find someone who has web-developing skills. Does not need to be an expert. Basic skills are needed. Find a free or cheap web server. Figure out your goals. Who is your target audience? What do you want to share? Find some dependable contributors who will submit quality material. This will save you some time on reviewing everything that you are given to publish. Use MS Word format for submitted material and "save as ... web page". Can import easily into web pages. Other technical issues, consult an expert. Keep updating periodically - an unchanging web site is a dead web site. Promote by any means possible. I have tried the WorldWide Winkel & conferences



Women - Aerobics and Bible Studies to Mix!
Matt Doebler

Offer a Bible class, which strengthens the body & spirit. Find an aerobic woman who enjoys working out and studying the Bible. Aerobic training is a plus, although she could just use videos. It could be 2 leaders - 1 physical and 1 spiritual. Find a Bible study, which can be broken up into 20-minute sections (one section per session). Break the class up into 20 minute Bible study and 40-50 minute aerobic workout with toning. Use a gym or larger classroom for workout and studying on the floor. Meet weekly. Keep to 7 or 8-week sessions.


Stelljes, Church and Change: Pilgrimage to Baptist Stetzer

Drama - Conference Breakout 503.... Oh, the Drama of It All!
(Drama in Worship for Beginners)

Pastor John and Angela Stelljes [GJ - This implies Angela is also a pastor.]

Props, people, lights, scripts, cues, transitions. . .and God’s Word. If you’re thinking about doing drama in worship but don’t know where to begin, this workshop is for you! In the midst of the drama that comes with doing drama learn some tips, tools and techniques for focusing on the one thing needful.

If you are interested in getting your hands on this conference workshop PowerPoint or want more information, email the speaker by selecting the link below!



Drama - Conference Breakout 504.... Dramalogue
(Advanced Drama in Worship)

Pastor John and Angela Stelljes [GJ - This implies Angela is also a pastor.]

You’ve written sketches for the church? Perhaps you’ve played a shepherd boy more than once. Want to share what you’ve learned about drama in worship with others? Come join us for an in-depth dialogue of what works and what really doesn’t
when using drama in worship. Bring scripts and experiences
to share.

If you are interested in getting your hands on this conference workshop PowerPoint or want more information, email the speaker by selecting the link below!


WELS Pastor Ron Ash, Chairman of Church and Change

Church and Change has set itself up as the self-appointed agency running the Wisconsin Synod. That is handy, since the drones at The Love Shack are deeply involved in this festering boil of false doctrine. WELS members are paying the salaries and benefits of Love Shack employees to promote Church and Change.

Church and Change Bio - Ron Ash

Chairman, Appleton, WI

Ron started his ministy by serving three congregations in Colorado. He has since served for 30 years at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Appleton, WI. During this time he has been Circuit Pastor, Chairman of the Board of Regents at FoxValleyLutheranHigh School, Secretary of the Fox River Valley Conference, on the Governing Board at LutherPreparatory School, and Circuit Chairman. He has been a promoter of creating innovative ministries for a changing world. His wife, Renate, and he have three children.

[GJ - The assistant pastor is Tim Glende, from St. Paul, Columbus, the congregation which took in Floyd Luther Stolzenburg when he was kicked out of the LCMS ministry. Floyd helped organize a Church Growth seminar, attended by the St. Paul's staff, and started "the first WELS Church Growth agency - Lutheran Parish Resources."]

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pastor Ron Ash, Chairman of Church and Change...":

The above-mentioned "congregation" that is being daughtered by St Peters is Solid Rock Ministries and Pastor Jim Skorewski has accepted the call to be its pastor....


PS It's not Pastor Timothy Glende anymore. It's "Pastor Tim"

From their website, St. Peter Cares:

St. Peter congregation was founded by a group of Lutheran immigrants from [GJ- From? From? Please let us know.]. It was organized on October 5, 1868.

From Bailing Water:

Anonymous said...
A small clip from a WELS church bulletin in an area about 20 miles from St Mark Depere..... Is this the direction WELS wants to go???

"Some people from our church have approached our pastors about starting a daughter congregation in the Appleton area. These WELS people would fund the entire project for a certain number of years. It will not be financed by our congregation. This daughter congregation would have its own pastor and a part-time music director. The main feature of this church would be: 1) contemporary worship only; 2) small group ministry; 3) lay-driven; 4) Appleton area focused; 5) and will reach out to the unchurched. This congregation will be directed by a separate executive committee. It will have a different name than St. Peter and will worship in facilities outside our campus and not at FVL.
We will have two open hearings to discuss the concept of a
daughter congregation between the services on June 8 & 15, 2008, in church.
We will vote on this proposal at our June 23, 2008 voters’ meeting."

May 19, 2008 4:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks for the laugh!

The 40+ WELS congregations in the Appleton area really need help getting the word out????

May 20, 2008 1:22 PM
miket said...
Anonymous (5/19 - 4:55 pm):

Your comment refers to a church growthy outreach proposal and asks whether this is the direction the WELS wants to go. Obviously, it is the direction that at least some in one congregation want to go. I trust that you are not ascribing the thinking of these few to the whole synod. I think most of the people in WELS would have concerns about starting the kind of mission described in that bulletin note.

The history of the WELS is full of cases of liberal pastors leading their congregations in directions not consistent with God's Word. Some of those pastors came to see the error of their ways; most are no longer WELS.

Seeing a bulletin note like this does not alarm me. What would alarm me is false doctrine that goes undisciplined. Do you know of anything along those lines that needs to be addressed?

May 20, 2008 1:35 PM
Anonymous said...
"The main feature of this church would be: 1) contemporary worship only; 2) small group ministry; 3) lay-driven; 4) Appleton area focused; 5) and will reach out to the unchurched."

Am I missing something? What is not consistent with God's Word in those four? The only false doctrine that needs to be addressed in this vain is elevating personal preferences to the level of Scripture and addressing those who are not in agreement with your opinions "false teachers'. That's called legalism and that is a sin -- period. That is also an issue that also needs to be addressed in the WELS.

I live in the Fox Valley, the number of people we are reaching in our 40+ congregations, the number sitting in His house regularly, and the number of adult confirmations are in most cases, not rising. The synod stats, which I have a copy of, indicates a need to at least look at different ways to gain an audience so that God's means can be shared.

Just shout'in

May 20, 2008 7:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Just shout'in,

Who promised that your congregations would grow?

May 21, 2008 6:01 AM
Anonymous said...
Wow, even Wels is wandering to Rick Warren (and his ilk...ever notice, ilk is never a good thing)
So how does Wels measure success?
Nickels and Noses or faithful preaching of the Gospel and administering the Sacrements? Since numbers aren't going up, do you leave the Gospel for a marketing plan??
Just askin'

May 21, 2008 7:37 AM
rlschultz said...
"Who promised that your congregations would grow?"

Very good question which needs to be asked in a situation like this or any other which relies upon "M&M's" - marketing and methods. Furthermore, where is numerical growth even made a requirement of the so-called Great Commission? So much of this type of approach demonstrates a lack of discernment.
The final, default argument for all of this nonsense is that they are just trying to save souls.

May 21, 2008 12:07 PM
Anonymous said...

Your blog has been quoted extensively over on Ichabod the past day or two. If you want people to take you even in the least bit seriously, you need to talk to Jackson and tell him to stop. The guy is a jerk of a pastor and a false prophet (denies objective justification). There's a reason why he's all by himself.
[GJ - Feel the love? This must be a Church and Change board member.]

May 21, 2008 3:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Rev. Jackson has many more supporters than this person knows. What makes him think he all alone?

May 22, 2008 12:27 PM
Norman Teigen said...
Some of us in the ELS are concerned about the confessional integrity of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. I believe that this will be discussed in the upcoming ELS convention. At least, I hope that it is.

Norman Teigen
ELS layman

May 23, 2008 4:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Norm, how is this going to be discussed? I can't see someone getting up on the floor and saying: "We better check out the WELS!" How will this happen?

May 23, 2008 6:47 PM
Anonymous said...
Norm, how is this going to be discussed? I can't see someone getting up on the floor and saying: "We better check out the WELS!" How will this happen?

May 23, 2008 6:47 PM
Norman Teigen said...
I accept the challenge. I will go to Mankato and ask for the floor and raise the question myself.

Norman Teigen
ELS layman

May 24, 2008 10:02 AM
Anonymous said...
Norm, this wasn't a challenge. You yourself wrote on this blog: "I believe that this will be discussed in the upcoming ELS convention." My only question was, "How?" I wasn't challenging you in any way.

May 24, 2008 5:05 PM


Church and Change:
Women's Advent Candlelight Service
Pastor Ron Ash

Each lady decorates a table with a Christmas theme using their own decorations for a table of six. They provide a dessert and coffee for their table. The ladies draw up and conduct a worship service - all by candlelight.Cost is low - donated food; ladies provide decorations for their table; men volunteer to take down tables after event. It takes 60-70 ladies to put on this event.

Phone: (920) 733-7225

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Church and Change in The Little Sect on the Prairie

Preaching to a PowerPoint. I wonder where that came from.

Pastor Nathan Krause in his Sunday suit.

ELS Pastor Nathan Krause gave a presentation at the last Church and Change shindig.

Trouble in Paradise by ELS Bad Boy

September 22

Abiding Shepherd's website-A review

I spent a bit of time looking over the website for Abiding Shepherd in Cottage Grove, the first congregation of the ELS to implement (and bold enough to call them) contemporary services.

In assessing the site the only thing Lutheran about it is they at least maintain the name Lutheran in their church name. That's more than many WELS congregations, periodicals, etc. do. At one LWMS rally I actually heard one report from the national rally that it is more advantageous to not use the name Lutheran and if we insist on retaining the name Lutheran, we are being selfish.
The name of Jesus is mentioned once on the site (at least I could find no other mention). This is on the "mission statement" page, and the mention of Jesus Christ is found in the now defunct mission statement. This is only one of two places the name Christ is mentioned (on this page as "Jesus Christ") The other mention is on Family Education Night under the Bible Study link. Here it mentions "Christ's sacrifice" as part of the study on the Chronicles of Narnia movie. This will probably be an interesting study, even if led by a layman instead of the called shepherd, er, spiritual administrator. Ugh. Business models for the church. Yuck. Ick.

If the contemporary service is anything like this contemporary church website, I don't think there is much of substance here. Hopefully the website is incomplete and the good stuff is coming right around the corner.

contemptible service again
A real quick note. The fact that many do not see the connection to the 1 Corinthians verses I quoted in the previous post and the Divine Service is exactly why we have a problem in Lutheranism today. Those verses have everything to do with the Divine Service. Typically (admittedly, I can't speak to Krause's service, I've never been to it) the "service" of contemptible services focuses on man's service to God rather than God's Service to man through the Means of Grace. It is based on a theology of glory rather than the theology of the Cross. I would expect this of the reformed, but the Lutheran Confessions make it clear that even a sanitized version of a heretical service does not make it right to use it. More when I have more time.


Krause's Mission Statement:




[GJ - A plastic surgeon in Scottsdale has the same mission statement.]

Our mission statement until January, 2003 was "As God's children, united by faith, we are committed to praising God with our worship and our Christian lives, and to use the Gospel of Jesus Christ to nurture fellow believers and to reach out to others, all to the glory of God."

While this statement is still true and at the very core of our ministry here at Abiding Shepherd, the church leadership developed this simple statement that our friends and members could carry in their hearts as we meet throughout the week with each other and our community.


GJ - Confidential to Norm Teigen. The ELS is directly involved in Church and Change.

PS - Norm Teigen has been told this is "an experiment," so aping the Reformed is fine in an "experiment." WELS has been experimenting with Church Growth for three decades. Even with common law marriage, living together for seven years constitutes a marriage enforceable by law. I think the Little Sect has watch the common law marriage of WELS and Fuller/Willow Creek with envy and awe. Now they want to shack up with Deformed theology, too.

Becker and Bucks: Church and Change

Patterson, Church and Change kingpin, gets a huge grant each year to pay the cost of his vicar. These vicars are trained in Church-and-Changeology. Tell me, this is not giving money to Church and Change? Wake up and smell the rot.

Church and Change board member Bruce Becker is pulling down a princely Administrator's salary (higher than a seminary professor's) while fighting the duly elected Synod President. And, to top this off, Becker is using synod money to install his Church and Change ally, Paul Copy-and-Paste Kelm, at The Love Shack. Where does it end?

From Bailing Water:

Anonymous said...
I remember that last year there was a link on the WELS official website that allowed registration for the Church and Change Conference. (I am sure they would not provide a link to something they did not approve).
Hopefully they will not supply that link for the November, 2009 conference.
It did appear to have synodical backing last year. Also men in WELS leadership positions were and still are a part of Church and Change. These are people we lay people look up to for guidance in our spiritual lives. When the leaders lead us in this does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out. If it walks like a duck.......

October 23, 2008 12:30 PM

Anonymous said...
From and other internet research, it appears that local congregations support C&C conferences and they get grants from places like Thrivent (besides charging for their conferences), is that correct? They meet once a year? And, also, there is some connection/accountability with DPs, COP and/or Parish Services? C&C is made up of WELS pastors and like-minded participants, so besides promoting CG methods, what influence do they have on the synod (apart from within local congregations and supportive ministry)?


October 23, 2008 1:01 PM

Anonymous said...
PER: Bruce Becker, Administrator
WELS Parish Services (also a member of the Board of Directors for Church and Change)

Church and Change is a grassroots organization comprised of WELS pastors, teachers, staff ministers, and lay people. Through its conferences, participants learn from one another, share ministry ideas, and explore new ways to bring the changeless gospel of Jesus Christ to a ever-changing world. It provides a rare opportunity in our circles for called workers and lay people from various districts to get together to talk about gospel ministry. Church and Change, in its organizing documents, has a stated desire to be connected directly to WELS synodical ministry through the Board for Parish Services. When hosting conferences, the Church and Change chairman apprises the district president of the district in which the event will be held. The organization also follows the guidelines established by the WELS Conference of Presidents for publicizing and hosting such events. In short, Church and Change is accountable to WELS on several different levels.

October 23, 2008 1:18 PM

Anonymous said...
here's my 2 cents worth...
anyone who's a member of c&c should remove themselves from the WELS membership list. start your own touchy feely church and rock on. leave the rest of us alone. i designate my church offerings go specifically to anything but the general fund. they're not going to send a penny of my offering up there to milwaukee to dole out back to this kind of nonsense. it's a church within a church. time to cut 'em loose. if the synod uppity-ups can't do that, i'll cut myself loose after 59 years of active WELS membership. it ain't what it used to be and as far as i can tell, those we've put in charge don't really care.

October 23, 2008 2:30 PM

Anonymous said...
Thank-you for saying that, Anonymous of 2:30 PM.

I agree with you about the offerings and it is the same in my household. I wish it was not so but I cannot support this stuff with a clear conscience.

I am being patient (so far) and hope this clears up but I have started my letter of resignation and will need to submit it if something cannot be done about the Church and Change group and all the stuff they are doing to "unLutheranize" WELS. I don't understand why they want to be part of WELS.

I came into WELS as an adult, was instructed and confirmed. I thought I had found a church and first learned of my salvation. I am so very very confused and upset with all that is happening. This is not how I was instructed that WELS' believes. I'm not even sure of my salvation anymore. The Church and Change group is leading me to view church and the instructions I had as if it was all a big joke. I took the pastor instructing me as serious. This is very painful because now I need to look for a new church and I don't even know where to start looking.

October 23, 2008 3:42 PM

Anonymous said...
Dear anonymous of 3:42:

While the concerns about C&C are real and justified, I believe that the information and discussion on this blog can give an overstated impression as to the importance and influence of this somewhat inocnsequential (sic) group. The group is not supported by synod dollars. It has a self-appointed board of six or seven people. They hold a conference every two years, attended by about 200 people (many of them lay people). In general, the vast majority of pastors in the synod do not and would not participate in what they have to offer. I would suggest that you talk to your pastor and other pastors you know before you make any quick decisions.

While discussions such as this can be helpful in identifying problems, it is really disturbing to that the unrestrained (and sometimes unfactual) talk is really harming individuals in their faith and causing them to question the sincerity of the pastor who instructed them in the Word and to doubt salvation itself. Perhaps in seeing the hurt and reaction of anonymous 3:42, commenters should weigh their words more carefully. By seeking to solve a problem, you may be creating greater ones.
October 23, 2008 4:06 PM

[GJ - The passage above is utter nonsense, deliberately misleading, and manipulative. Dealing with false doctrine will harm believers? Surgery and chemo hurt, too, but they are needed to remove a cancer. All false doctrine is cancer.]

Anonymous said...
Thank you 2:30pm also,

I believe that I will also start giving my offerings to my church's designated funds until these slippery mission grants are monitored more closely.


I would start by talking to your pastor to see his take on the situation. Invite him to look at this blog. Ask him what his position is on Church and Change and pastors sitting at the feet of Baptists experts.

October 23, 2008 4:09 PM

Anonymous said...

You didn't know that the pastor of our own C&C congregation, Nathan Krause at Abiding Shepard in Cottage Grove, WI., was a PRESENTER at the last C&C conference?? The cancer is in us, too. Krause even had a vicar in the past year or so.


Official Denial

Mark Tiefel, in denial.

Mark Tiefel has left a new comment on your post "Church and Change: Clone Wars in Texas":

You may consider this my "official denial." I did not attend the conference.


GJ - I believe it. He means the Ed Stezter (Ketzer) conference, which led to the Church and Change invite. Patterson took a bunch there, including a staff minister.

However, District VP Patterson (Church and Change kingpin) is getting synod grant money each year to pay for his vicars. How many WELS members knew that?

Bucks for Baptists - Your Offerings at Work in WELS

District VP Patterson, Church and Change: "Baptist Stetzer fans. Gather round. My buddies have some loot for you, fresh from the suckers at Kingdom Workers. Offerings for Lutheran missions? No, we camoflage as Baptists down heah in Texas, yall. The rubes don't know this."

VP Patterson wanted to be a good example, so he took a bunch of WELS clergy to hear Baptist Ed Stetzer, who will now present at the next Church and Change conference, though C and C is keeping it a secret for now. Doebler went along. Notice how Church and Change Baptists get all the loot for themselves?

10) Christ the Rock – Round Rock, Texas. Pastor Matthew Doebler. The ministry has been enriched by a generous grant ($13,000) from the Kingdom Workers National Project program. The ministry plan uses this funding to assist with salary and related expenses for the mission’s Administrative Assistant. (related expenses: trip to see Ec Stetzer and buy an electric guitar....Patterson's rock and roll church)

"14) Vicars in Mission Settings. This program is designed to place vicars into a congregation with a mission setting and under the supervision of a pastor with a mission mindset." (ie cloning Church and Change vicars)


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Bucks for Baptists - Your Offerings at Work in WEL...":

This is just one example of abusing synod grant money. Patterson has known about this process for years (it also helps that he has well-placed laymen on district and synod boards).

Patterson, Gunn, and R. Hunter all play this game well.

The Logic of Church and Change

Telling the truth about WELS makes me a Grinch.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What I Learned at Drive 08 - by Ski":

Maybe someone should write an article about you: "What I learned at Notre Dame," and then they can insinuate that you worship Mary, believe in purgatory and are semi-Pelagian.


GJ - The problems with your argument are Legion, like so many demons ready to jump into some obliging and suicidal pigs.

Ski is a WELS pastor, closely connected to Church and Change via St. Mark's (Jeske Church and Change branch) and his new stealth congregation. Ski bragged on his blog that he went to a Baptist conference with a group of WELS pastors, avoided a real Lutheran conference, and loved every second of his time with the Baptists.

What I believe about Roman Catholicism is published in Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, a book heavily promoted by Northwestern Publishing House, sold all over the world. Rev. Mouse might find some material about Enthusiasm in the same book. Some old, old quoations on this blog concern Romanism and the Protestant version of Enthusiasm.

I wish all the crypto-Enthusiasts would gush in public, like Ski. Valleskey was known for gushing in private, among friends of CG, but acting like Church Growth was a UFO when he was in public. He actually postured being forced into a study of CG when he spoke in Ohio (spoiling the Egyptians - couldn't even find an original excuse - had to borrow it from Fuller).

The longer the ELS-WELS-LCMS leaders avoid their doctrinal cancer, the worse it will be.

Norm Teigen - Am I My Brother WELS' Keeper?

WELS/ELS - Both have to explain to everyone why the ruling party is
non-Lutheran, and even anti-Lutheran in doctrine.

Bailing Water:

Norman Teigen said...
I will direct a message to President Moldstad on this subject and ask him for a clarification.

Remember that the ELS is a little synod and that every one knows every one else.

I don't think that the fact that the two synods, ELS and WELS, are in Fellowship means that each synod is responsible for what the other does (or doesn't do).

Can we not live with the idea that we are in agreement on most things but then recognize that the cultural differences that are part of our individual synods allow for some differences of emphasis and expression?

We have separate educational institutions and separate hymnaries. We have different histories. We like to sing different hymns. Some of us go to church on Christmas Eve and some of us do not. Some of us sing 'Jeg er saa glad' and others sing 'O Tannenbaum' on Christmas Day.

Doesn't that mean something?

Norman Teigen
ELS layman
{I am a member of the ELS but I do not presume to speak for the ELS. I am thinking of identifying myself as an ELS spokesman in the new year upcoming.]]

October 22, 2008 10:37 PM


GJ - Many years ago, Robert Preus, who was once ELS, sent a poster to Herman Otten about Church Growth. He wrote on it, "WELS is worse than we are about Church Growth." I wrote about the false doctrine in WELS 15 years ago. Every false teacher has been rewarded and promoted. At what point does a denomination admit that it has reduced itself to xeroxing the worst from Fuller, Willow Creek, and the Baptist marketeers?

The ELS has been complicit in the spread of Church Growth doctrine. Both sects stood up to Missouri in the old days. Now neither one can face the truth within its own ranks. They know what has happened. It is just too rewarding to let false doctrine spread.

Why should the ELS leaders risk their free world travels for a little thing like doctrine?

Norm knows that when his father published the correct view on Holy Communion, the Wisconsin and ELS leaders treated him like garbage. Have the leaders been any different with Church Growth? Yes - they have been far worse.

The silence of the lambs continues.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Follow the Money

Funding Church and Change? I don't see that happening. You have violated the 8th Commandment just by thinking that.

WELS District VP Patterson gets WELS grants to pay for his vicars, then trains them in Church and Change doctrine. They come back to Texas to take root, and to root for Sweet and Stetzer and Hunter and that troglodyte Werning.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Your Offering Money at Work - Supporting WELS Chur...":

I am demanding an audit of how Patterson spent the money he's received in the past. Is it being put to good use? I think not! I'd hesitate to give another dime to missions knowing it's going to fund field trips for what should be a responsible pastor to take young, impressionable minds to be twisted by Baptist theology. Are there no Lutherans that can offer their mission stories?

Can They Cancel the Church and Change Kelm Call?

Felines model the copy and paste ministry of Paul Kelm. The Church and Change gurus truly are copy cats. They run to Fuller and copy Fuller. They run to Willow Creek and copy WC. They run to the Baptists and copy them. Their best students turn Baptist and Pentecostal. Why? They are just copying their leaders.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Bruce Becker Has Declared War on SP Schroeder: Who...":

How is it possible for Becker to issue a divine call without SP knowledge or approval? Why must the rest of us pay for an extra guy when they gotten along without one for a couple years and money is tight as it is? Is there anything that can be done to cut Kelm's position before he gets there? And I'm still waiting for the answer to this $64,000 question ~ WHAT'S THERE TO CONSULT THE CONGREGATIONS ABOUT IN THE FIRST PLACE?!? Talk about your monumental waste of synod money....hmmmm.


GJ - A lot of people could make it impossible for this catastrophe to happen. Do not wait for the Little Sect on the Prairie to notice, or the District Popes to take action.

Blessed Baptismal Rite

"This Child We Dedicate To Thee"
by unknown author
Translated by Samuel Gilman, 1791-1858

1. This child we dedicate to Thee,
O God of grace and purity;
Shield it from sin and threatening wrong,
And let Thy love its life prolong.

2. Oh, may Thy Spirit gently draw
Its willing soul to keep Thy Law!
May virtue, piety, and truth
Dawn even with its dawning youth!

3. We, too, before Thy gracious sight
Once shared the blest baptismal rite
And would renew its solemn vow
With love and thanks and praises now.

4. Grant that with true and faithful heart
We still may act the Christian's part,
Cheered by each promise Thou hast given
And laboring for the prize in heaven.

Hymn #303
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Luke 18:17
Author: unknown
Translated by: Samuel Gilman, 1823
Composer: Lowell Mason, 1830
Tune: "Uxbridge"

Baptismal Regeneration

"He that Believes and is Baptized"
by Thomas Kingo, 1634-1703
Translated by George A.T. Rygh, 1860-1942

1. He that believes and is baptized
Shall see the Lord's salvation;
Baptized into the death of Christ,
He is a new creation.
Through Christ's redemption he shall stand
Among the glorious heavenly band
Of every tribe and nation.

2. With one accord, O God, we pray:
Grant us Thy Holy Spirit;
Look Thou on our infirmity
Through Jesus' blood and merit.
Grant us to grow in grace each day
That by this Sacrament we may
Eternal life inherit.

Hymn #301
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Mark 16: 16
Author: Thomas Kingo, 1689
Translated by: George A.T. Rygh, 1909
Titled: "Enhver som tror og bliver doebt"
Tune: "Es ist das Heil"
Melody: German, c. 1400

Infant Baptism

"Dearest Jesus, We Are Here"
by Benjamin Schmolck, 1672-1737
Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1829-1878

1. Dearest Jesus, we are here,
Gladly Thy command obeying;
With this child we now draw near
In accord with Thine own saying
That to Thee it shall be given
As a child and heir of heaven.

2. Yea, Thy word is clear and plain,
And we would obey it duly:
"He who is not born again,
Heart and life renewing truly,
Born of water and the Spirit,
Can My kingdom not inherit."

3. Therefore hasten we to Thee,
In our arms this infant bearing;
Let us here Thy glory see
Let this child, Thy mercy sharing,
In Thine arms be shielded ever,
Thine on earth and Thine forever.

4. Gracious Head, Thy member own;
Shepherd, take Thy lamb and feed it;
Prince of Peace, make here Thy throne;
Way of Life, to heaven lead it;
Precious Vine, let nothing sever
From Thy side this branch forever.

5. Now into Thy heart we pour
Prayers that from our hearts proceeded.
Our petitions heavenward soar;
May our warm desires be heeded!
Write the name we now have given,
Write it in the book of heaven.

Hymn #300
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Mark 10:13-16
Author: Benjamin Schmolck, 1704, cento
Translated by: Catherine Winkworth, 1863, alt.
Titled: "Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier"
Composer: Johann R. Ahle, 1664
Tune: "Liebster Jesu"

What I Learned at Drive 08 - by Ski

"This is a way cool way to look at baptism. Deutschlander never taught us this!"

Pastor Ski and other WELS pastors (John Parlow, Jim Buske, and others) went to Drive08, a conference organized by a Baptist Church in Atlanta, deceptively called Northpoint Community Church.

WELS observer: "Have you noticed that, at the top of Ski's blog he calls it [Drive 08] a 'pastors conference'?"

This is what Northpoint Community Church believes about baptism:

What We Believe About Baptism

Who Should Be Baptized
Christians believe that the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, provides the sole basis for the forgiveness of sin. Therefore, salvation occurs only when a person places his or her faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as the sufficient payment for his or her sin.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you are ready to be baptized. Just like a bride and groom show others their love for one another by wearing wedding bands, your baptism is your opportunity to show others that you have accepted Christ and are now walking with Him.

If you have any questions about how to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please contact

What Baptism Symbolizes
Baptism is a way of showing others that you have entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ. It symbolizes what took place in your heart at the time of salvation:
* Accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
* Shared in His death and resurrection, illustrated by going under the water (dead to your old life), then rising again (new life).
* Were symbolically washed clean, and sins were forgiven by His death on the cross.

Because Jesus instructed us to be baptized, baptism is an act of obedience. While it is not necessary for salvation, it demonstrates submission to God. We immerse at North Point Community Church because we believe Scripture shows that Jesus modeled that for us as the way to publicly acknowledge our faith in Him. Infant Christening

Some denominations choose to christen infants. While we recognize the right of other churches to practice infant christening, we understand Scripture to teach that only professing believers qualify for baptism. Baptism does not make you a believer, rather it shows that you already believe.

The baptism process at North Point has been designed to be both simple and meaningful. From the registration form to the baptism meeting, each step has been carefully planned with you in mind:
1. Listen to the baptism message. You may request a CD at the email address below or listen to the message online.
2. Complete the Adult Baptism Registration Form. Once we receive your registration form, we will contact you to schedule your videotaping and baptism.
3. Read about making your video. We want you to be as comfortable and prepared for the video as possible.
4. Attend a meeting and film your testimony. After we receive your registration form, we'll contact you to schedule you for an informational meeting where you'll also have your testimony videotaped.
5. Get baptized! Baptisms take place during one of the Sunday services and include a showing of your prerecorded video.

For questions, please contact Beth Carson at

Baptism Message
If you think baptism is the next step for you, take thirty minutes and listen to Andy's talk, "What About Baptism?" In the message, he answers the questions we are most often asked about baptism.
WATCH ONLINE - Flash Video