Friday, January 30, 2009

Aaron Frey Fan Club Alert

Someone published quotations, anonymously, from Aaron Frey, allegedly. All I can say is - this is what someone claims.

I asked to be on the Church and Chicanery list, to help my budding career in yellow journalism, but they demurred. I think the administrator's parole officer said it was a bad idea.

So if Aaron Frey and others would like to publish things out in the open, with their names on it, I will gladly link that information, maybe even copy it with the proper citation.

I would rather deal with official sources (websites, blogs, papers) than "someone says someone said." I did publish the comments, and I appreciate the response.

I published the Kuske Report on Where Did All the Loot Go?, even though he is the best thing ever to happen to Church Growth in Franklin County, Ohio.