Monday, January 5, 2009

Norm Teigen Speaks

They even parade for Norm in Minnesota.

Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "Snarling at the Wrong Thing":

My radar goes off when you mention the ELS. I question the believability of at least part of your post because there is no ELS congregation in Cottage Grove MN. I don't know who was on the ELS Doctrinal Committee in the past and had never heard of the Fuller connection. Who might that have been who was a raving Fuller graduate?

Norman Teigen
ELS layman
(I am not an official spokesperson for the ELS but I did today receive an official 'King of Grace' golf shirt for my service at the school. I presume that the gift of this golf shirt certifies my membership in the previously mentioned Evangelical Lutheran Synod. The golf shirt does not imply certification as a spokesman for the ELS, however.}


GJ - OK, I had the wrong state, but the right city. I am sure everyone in the Little Sect on the Prairie knows about Nathan Krause, Church and Chicanery, and Cottage Grove. The ELS Bad Boy posted blog material about the parish website some time ago.

The person on the doctrinal board? I recall he was in Naples, Florida. I think he joined ELCA next. The letter came from an ELS source. I lost track of the letter and asked for another copy. My source (not Webber - he's too coy) refused. Jay gave me the newspaper article about Dan Kelm and his Willow Creek services. Mrs. Ichabod got a clean copy and I sent it to Christian News. That was and still remains typical ELS behavior - circulate a newspaper article, cluck tongues loudly (when the pope is not in the vicinity), and do nothing.

No one wants the Left Foot of Fellowship.

The ELS pastors always brag about how confessional they are, but really, they could not together knock the skin off a pudding, let alone fight false doctrine. Getting upset about doctrine makes one late for dinner.