The Real Jesus: "What Difference Has Jesus Made In History?" (Part 11 of 12)
Worship on Sunday, January 11 at 10:00 am
H. G. Wells who wrote The War of the Worlds (1898) stated, “I am an historian, I am not a believer, but I must confess as a historian that this penniless preacher from Nazareth is irrevocably the very center of history. Jesus Christ is easily the most dominant figure in all history.” The apostle Paul goes further than this, “All things were created through him [Jesus] and for him....in him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:16-17).
Thanks to Mark Driscoll’s book Vintage Jesus for the outline, ideas and visual materials for this series. Pre-sermon video clip Copyright © 2008 Mars Hill Church (Creative Commons license). Used by permission.
The Real Jesus: "What Will Jesus Do Upon His Return?" (Part 12 of 12)
Worship on Sunday, January 18 at 8:30 & 11:00 am
Comedian Woody Allen, who married his own stepdaughter said, “If Jesus came back and saw what was being done in his name, he would not be able to stop throwing up.” The Bible says God wants all to come to repentance and that none perish (II Peter 3). But a Day of Judgment is coming where eternal punishment and eternal life will be revealed to the world. Jesus will judge the living and the dead (Acts 10:42) and will separate believers and himself from unbelievers—forever (Matthew 25).
Thanks to Mark Driscoll’s book Vintage Jesus for the outline, ideas and visual materials for this series. Pre-sermon video clip Copyright © 2008 Mars Hill Church (Creative Commons license). Used by permission.
Mars Hill theology:
Eternal Security and Assurance of Believers
We believe that all the redeemed, once saved, are kept by God’s power and are thus secure in Christ forever (John 6:37–40; 10:27–30; Romans 8:1, 38, 39; 1 Corinthians 1:4–8; 1 Peter 1:5). We believe that it is the privilege of believers to rejoice in the assurance of their salvation through the testimony of God’s Word, which clearly forbids the use of Christian liberty as an occasion for the flesh (Romans 13:13, 14; Galatians 5:13; Titus 2:11–15).
the Ministry and Spiritual Gifts
We believe that God is sovereign in the bestowing of spiritual gifts. It is, however, the believer’s responsi¬bility to attempt to develop their sovereignly given spiritual gift(s). The baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs at conversion and is the placing of the believer into the Body of Christ. We also believe that particular spiritual gift(s) are neither essential, nor prove the presence of the Holy Spirit, nor are an indication of deep spiritual experience (1 Corinthians 12:7, 11, 13; Ephesians 4:7–8). We believe that God does hear and answer the prayer of faith, in accordance with His own will, for the sick and afflicted (John 15:7; 1 John 5:14, 15). We believe that it is the privilege and responsibility of every believer to minister according to the gift(s) and grace of God that is given to him (Romans 12:1–8; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 Peter 4:10–11).
GJ - The WELS parents are saying, "Thank God we have a chapel there to keep our children Lutheran. We wouldn't want them wandering over to the Enthusiasts."