Friday, February 6, 2009

Martin Luther College Video


Phil has left a new comment on your post "Martin Luther College Video":

Give me a break. Every year MLC has a video contest for its students to celebrate Homecoming. This was one of those videos.

For me, one of the biggest struggles as a called worker is the feeling, at the end of an 80+ hour work week, that I can't be myself, I can't relax and well...I can't have fun. Are my jokes stupid? Do people think less of me because of the clothes I wear? The car I drive? What I like to do for fun? After seeing a video my classmates made, will people make fun of our "future pastors and teachers" in a an effort to make a witty anonymous comment on a blog that veils some fantastic theological knowledge with the feel of a celebrity gossip magazine?

Please don't make out (sic) job harder than it is.


GJ - Anonymous Phil is apparently a teacher at MLC, defiantly (sic) WELS.
PS - Someone needs my humor explained. Graduates of the WELS system are notoriously bad spellers, so I use (sic) often. I wrote defiantly because that is a common substitute made for definitely among those who learned look-say reading. That is what happens when I use subtle, dry humor. Back to the kitties for me.
PPS - Someone wigged out and posted a venomous personal attack aimed at me. The post said a lot about that person's stunted emotional development. The funny part was - I never commented on the video. I simply posted it. So there was a contest? There were videos submitted that were even worse?

A funny video would be having the Sprinter coming to life, getting even with a whole bunch of WELS clergy - and you know who you are.