Monday, March 2, 2009

From the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock:
The Glass-Bottomed Boat Spawned by
Church and Change

may not be able to see it, but big things, great forward progress happened at The CORE this weekend. God continues to be glorified.
about 9 hours ago from TweetDeck

dreadful saturday afternoon - working with numbers again....makes my brain hurt!
11:26 AM Feb 28th from TweetDeck


GJ - The CORE in Appleton is run by a board member of Church and Change, Pastor Ski.

Everything The CORE does, including dropping "Lutheran" and "church", is from the Church and Change playbook, plagiarized from Fuller, Willow Creek, Andy Stanely, Craig Groeschel, Leonard Sweet, Ed Stetzer, and Werning/Hunter. Many of them plagiarize one another, so it is difficult to find the original author, apart from Old Scratch* himself. Nothing is from the Scriptures or the Book of Concord.

So if you read the material provided by Ski, you will see the content of the Parish Assistance program of WELS. That is why the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock is the glass-bottomed boat. Everyone gets to see what is really going on - the cutting edge of WELS, as they like to say. Another belch from Fuller, Trinity, and Willow Creek, as I like to say.

Reverent – pointing people to Jesus.

Relevant – meeting people where they’re at.

Relational – helping build relationships.

That is both the mission vision of one WELS church and the philosophy of The CORE. What a coincidence.

The WELS parish experts promote women ministers and rock music. What does The CORE offer? More of the same. The WELS parish experts absorb huge fees for providing what anyone can get from the Net for free. The CORE is duplicating, at an enormous cost, what several other Emergent Churches are already doing in A-Town.

*Be sure to study the Oh, that is another Church and Change experiment, supported and defended by VP Patterson, funded in part by a foundation grant.