Monday, March 2, 2009

Hoenecke Dogmatics Finished -
And On Sale -
Ten Months Before the Second Coming

Until the end of March, all the individual volumes will actually be on sale at 25% off rather than the normal 20% professional discounts--pastors won't be able to get 25% + 20%, but at least it's something!

Adolph Hoenecke (1835-1908) is one of America's foremost Lutheran dogmaticians. His examination of doctrine and practice always begins in Scripture. This is an English translation from the author's original language of German. The subject of Volume 4 continues with soteriology--the doctrine of salvation. It looks into the means by which salvation is made one's own--by the Word of God and the sacraments. It also explains the community of saved, that is, the church in general, and then the threefold difference among the members of the church. Also covered are the last things, explanations of the completion of salvation with the state after death, resurrection, final judgment, eternal damnation, and eternal life. Included in this volume are an outline for all four volumes, indexes, and a useful translator's forward by Joel D. Fredrich. Hardcover. Size, 6 x 9 inches. 412 pages. Published 1999.

Catalog Item Number: OL-150626

Regular Price: $40.50

Discounted Price: $30.38

Be sure to go to rather than (Nazarene Publishing House).

Here is the NPH link to one Hoenecke volume.

Hoenecke studied under Tholuck (a Pietistic Universalist) at Halle University. Hoenecke on General Justification is an interesting piece of the UOJ puzzle.