Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thank You For All the Information

Typical Church and Change member, sniveling, whining, and crying.

I would like to thank all of you by name, but I do not know a lot of names. I know a few, and they are people who are not bigshots in WELS. They are laity.

WELS created an inversion over the last few decades. Only the Fuller/Willow Creek zombies and their robotic lay followers could have any influence. They are quite impressed with themselves and their power network. For a long time they had a grip on all communication. For instance, there was a massive effort to keep people from learning about the first WELS pan-denominational worship workshop at Carthage College (ELCA): only the ELS was excluded!

Now people can learn the facts in minutes, and quite a few people are providing the data.

The Northwestern Lutheran Forward in Christ remains a Church and Change shop because The Love Shack is. The drones at 2929 are like New Yorkers who say, "I never met an Evangelical in my life." The Love Shackers cannot imagine anyone questioning Fuller, Willow Creek, Leonard Sweet, or Waldo Werning.

In the past, anyone who questioned this C and C inversion was forced out, frozen out, or given a Sisera counseling session. Questions at a clergy meeting met with denunciations or coffin-like silence. Now, I am told, people read Ichabod daily and laugh very hard. My source used a more graphic expression.

The laity like to imagine themselves as leaders. That means they need to lead, not wait around for the pastor to do something right and mean it. Too many pastors are welded to the Church and Change promotion system. How they howled when I quoted them!
Kudu Don Patterson wrote to me that he had issues with C and C, but when John Lawrenz oozed about doing new things in the Third World, Patterson responded: "Pure gold. Thank you, Brother John. May your Fuller tattoo and my Willow Creek tattoo meet in Paradise." (I added the last sentence, just for fun.)

I would love to see a list of WELS leaders, especially Love Shackers, who have never studied at Fuller, Fuller Evangelism Institute, Fuller Missions, Win Arn, Kent Hunter, Willow Creek, or Trinity Divinity in Deerfield.

One of the all-time upper lip curlers is study at a Missouri Synod school. Orthodoxy in WELS requires a sneer whenever Missouri is mentioned, accompanied by a story which shows how vastly superior WELS is to big brother. However, Paul Kelm, age 64, earned a drive-by DMin at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and that got him a job at The Love Shack. Why didn't upper lips curl into a sneer for that?