Sunday, March 29, 2009

Typical Church and Change Pastor's Response to Public False Doctrine Being Rebuked in Public

This is the Mission/Vision Statement of Church and Chicanery. Don't smirk. It has worked for them ever since 1977.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Stay in WELS, Enjoy Groeschel's Sermons: At the Po...":

You, of course, have been to the CORE and witnessed all of these misdeeds which would cause you to declare a lack of fellowship?


Well then, GJ must have been there and seen this, and of course, his slanted view of all things Lutheran MUST be accurate...

Hmm, that's not the case either.

Well, SURELY you've spoken with the pastor, then, to understand where they (sic) stand doctrinally? I mean, it's not diificult (sic) to pick up the phone...It would seem you're in no place to criticize...maybe you should actually check things out before making such audacious statements, rather than taking someone elses (sic) word as fact. As someone who has actually been there, I assure you, they are assumptions only, and incorrect.


GJ - I found three errors in a few sentences. Yup, that's a Sausage Factory graduate.

But let's hear from Luther in the Book of Concord:

284] All this has been said regarding secret sins. But where the sin is quite public so that the judge and everybody know it, you can without any sin avoid him and let him go, because he has brought himself into disgrace, and you may also publicly testify concerning him. For when a matter is public in the light of day, there can be no slandering or false judging or testifying; as, when we now reprove the Pope with his doctrine, which is publicly set forth in books and proclaimed in all the world. For where the sin is public, the reproof also must be public, that every one may learn to guard against it.
(Luther, The Large Catechism, Book of Concord, The Ten Commandments)

Did this parson pick up the phone and call me? No. He sent a comment to be published anonymously. How brave!

Slander has been the name of the C and C game ever since the gang fell for Church Growth in the 1970s. Anyone who questions them is called, behind his back:

  1. Legalistic
  2. Brain-damaged.
  3. Senile.
  4. Lazy.
  5. Threatened by change.
  6. Unloving.
  7. Unbrotherly.
  8. Unconcerned about the lost.
  9. Slanderous - misusing their favorite weapon, the Eighth Commandment.
  10. In violation of Matthew 18 - another favorite weapon.

However, the anonymous pastor has no problem with a WELS pastor being trained at Babtist Stanley's worship services and copying the sermons of the pan-denominational Enthusiast Craig Groeschel. Ski has bragged openly about both, and so has his pricey executive assistant, who is working 18 hour days getting the soda fountain ready. Both of them were also at another beehive, Granger Community Church, where they saw a former member of St. Markus. GCC probably accepts transfers directly from St. Markus.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Stay in WELS, Enjoy Groeschel's Sermons: At the Po...":

If Ski wanted to put a stop to these "false assumptions," he could simply post his sermons on his website. Or at least have a website that lives up to his motto "Christ is at the core of everything we do."

Christ is pretty well hidden on the site behind jumbled graphics and a garbled layout. (More evidence that presentation, and not content, is his priority...and that even in presentation he is failing.)

These are not "false assumptions." I notice Pastor Jackson has Ski's instructors, materials, and resources well documented. That makes it fact, not assumption.

Ski's backward emphases are evidenced by his website, his emphasis on soda machines, bands, free wi-fi, and everything else that has nothing to do with Jesus.

A good pastor makes his witness plain in everything he does. He does not hide his beliefs in eight trite "We believe" statements buried on a website, and then place the responsibility on everyone else to call him or travel to Appleton, Wisconsin, to find out what he's teaching. How can we assume the best based on that website and his Baptist sermon themes and titles?

Again, if he wants to stop this, he can post his sermons and Bible classes (which are currently for "approved access only") and prove that Christ, and not Baptist doctrine, "is at the center of everything he does." Until then, I'll believe the evidence presented here.

"Christ is at the center of everything we do" is easy to say. If it's true, it should also be easy to prove. So let's see it.


GJ - Ski's earlier blog brags about his Babtist training, with loads of pictures, facts about some of the WELS pastors who also went. He also wrote about skipping Deutschlander at the WELS conference down there to attend Andy Stanley's beehive of Enthusiasm.

The link to Drive 08 on his blog disappeared, but the material is still there.

Ski at Drive 08.

He also went to the Catalyst One Day event, shared by his professor of missions Stanley and his homiletics professor Craig Groeschel.