Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ad Fontes: Craig Groeschel Piped Into WELS Mission

Ski attended Catalyst, led by Babtist Stanley and Mainliner Groeschel.

Ski uses sermon themes from Groeschel, exclusively it seems. His sermons match up with (Groeschel).

Anonymous said...
Found at

@andrew_statezny that's awesome! love your stuff. thanks for the generosity. #free4church

Andrew's original tweet: is making their free resources in more video formats #free4church

Unbelievable. Openly admitting to using resources that have no business in a Lutheran church.



Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ad Fontes: Craig Groeschel Piped Into WELS Mission...":

i am a product of the wels schools from k-12. i can tell you for sure the problem is with ski.


GJ - WELS banned the shift key as an adiaphoron.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ad Fontes: Craig Groeschel Piped Into WELS Mission...":


Yes, they are openly admitting it. That is progress. 15 years ago, they denied Chruch Growth strategy in WELS. They renamed it and made it look like the Lutheran Church has been CG all the time.

I personally didn't know what to make of it years ago and just took a wait and see attitude even participating in what was not clearly, to me, a volatile thing. Now it is very out in the open and endorsed and like you see here, heterodox sources listed.

I heard a woman presenter at a woman's retreat give a textbook example and rally for introducing C&C, CGM into your church. Fuller Seinary/ Willow Creek all the way. It was disturbing to say the least. She listed all sorts of sources for video clips (even showed some, they were law oriented), that were from Willow Creek, and a few other online sources that were all from the new paradigm model now being heaped upon us in the name of evangelism.

The example above was the defining moment for me and the impetus for me to stop associating, assisting and unknowingly being party to the movement with my then wait and see attitude. It's here and probably to stay.

My theory is that the WELS C&C enthusiasts have enough momentum within these churches that there will be no chance for any break in fellowship or split. Because those who are very outspoken are so few in number. Laiety and leadership will not see the need to split, because CGM is a rather amorphous thing, it is getting harder to pin down and confusing for even the well read.

To me it's rather ironic that just a few years ago, we used to gufaw at the "Liberals" in ELCA with it's apostasy and denial of God's Word in so many ways. The ELCA crowd must just be howling with laughter saying, "glad you guys got on board finally. It's not so bad now is it?"

To me it's a sad commentary, but not all that unbelievable.

For those who are still undecided, when you see the light, just remember to "duck and cover."


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ad Fontes: Craig Groeschel Piped Into WELS Mission...":

If Ski can complete brainwashing in one day, anyone can.