Friday, April 24, 2009

Groeschel-Stanley Franchise Grows Among Nominal Lutherans:
Watch Out for Falling Sanctimony

Craig Groeschel, Andy Stanley, and Groupie

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Portrait of the Pastor as a Young Heretic":

O.K. I hate to leave a comment as "Anonymous" but have the feeling if I left any kind of identification I'd bet pounced on by all the fine "Christians" who leave comments here. I'm a traditional WELS pastor who has attended a couple of services at The Core. While it is not the kind of worship I would have at my services, Ski presented law and gospel in its truth and purity. The message that I heard last Sunday was actually clearer about law and gospel than in most WELS sermons that I've heard. If this is heresy, sign me up for the Heresy Express!


GJ - Church and Change must have declared April 24th as Sanctimony Day, where they feel free to make anonymous accusations in the name of fearing candor, honesty, and ethical conduct. Not to worry, we have your number.

WELS has a separate denomination growing within its bowels, a cancer fed by the college, seminary, and Love Shack. I have no doubt that many WELS pastors support the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock. Many others are indifferent about it.

Face it - the Wisconsin Synod has trained and ordained a bunch of Babtist ministers who are now teaching their nominal members to be Babtists. The Church Growth faction feels most at home with the liberal Babtists, who teach what JP Meyer did - make a decision.

About 20 years ago, I told Doctrinal Pussycat Robert Mueller what a couple related about attending WELS churches in Florida. The couple said, "The only way we could tell we were in a WELS church was from the sign on the outside." That was during the reign of Radloff, classmate of Valleskey, proud Fuller alumnus (among friends only).

Mueller responded by being angry with me, not his apostate buddies. If it was that bad 20 years ago, what is like now?


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Groeschel-Stanley Franchise Grows Among Nominal Lu...":

OK, let us assume that Ski presented Law and Gospel clearly and rightly divided in his sermon. What about the rest of the service? Liturgy? That's right, adiaphora. Music? Adiaphora also. Alright, I was not there. Maybe they used page 5 or 15 and sung nothing but hymns from TLH. But, I'll bet that it was contemptible worship.


GJ - The Suffragen Bishop blogged, saying Ski screamed during one sermon. That is one of those gimmicks loved by the Reformed. But the blog production, very sparse, is not saved.

My impression from the lack of information is this: The CORE consists mostly of WELS members from Fox Valley, with services aimed at letting people double-up, going to their regular church in morning and supporting Church and Chicanery in the evening. Like the radical takeover of Alcatraz decades ago, this will grow old.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Groeschel-Stanley Franchise Grows Among Nominal Lu...":

Accept it. WELS is having an identity crisis of galactic proportions. They not only do not know who they are and what they stand for. They do not know what they want to be and believe when they grow up.