Sunday, April 26, 2009

Joseph Schmidt's Blog

Joseph Schmidt and I have a common interest in great hymns and good music. His blog shares the name given to Martin Chemnitz by the papists:

Sceleratissimus Lutheranus - The Most Villianous Lutheran. The title given to the great Lutheran theologian Martin Chemnitz by the Roman Catholics after he wrote his masterful work, The Examination of the Council of Trent.

He has posted videos of Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant lessons.

He doesn't hide his name, so I know he isn't a Church and Changer.

PS - I got a Church and Chicanery girly-man upset with this post. He sent an obscene comment, not worth posting. I imagine it was my reference to good music. That really sets off people who have spent too much time near huge amps and bad musicians.


Anonymous Girly-Man wrote: I'd rather be a girly-man that (sic) a... [more obscenities]