One complaint stands out among all the anonymousey comments - I copy photos and web content. Horrors.
Long ago the Shrinkers said I quoted them out of context, but they were the ones who said, "Prove it."
I quoted them at greater length, so their response was to silence me in every possible medium. I was threatened with censorship if I ever wrote for Christian News, even though the Shrinkers like Gerlach published there all the time. The Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic) went through similar gyrations, gleeful to be published in CN but condemning me for doing the same. David Menton was especially wrathful, and now he poses with Otten for the publication he condemned so vigorously. Menton also published a series of articles in CN.
Lately, someone wrote a contradictory lament about how I was using web content to critique ideas. According to his logic, no one could write a critical review of anything, because quotations and comments might be negative. My efforts are completely non-profit, unlike the grant-grabbing tactics of Church and Chicanery. They are the last tycoons of charitable greed. Staggering.
I link all my sources, unlike those who drop huge hints about this blog without naming it. I have had no requests to remove content, although one person was a little touchy once about how I quoted and cited.
I have fixed or removed errors when requested. That has been rare. Any publication will end up with mistakes. My distance from the scene offers some objectivity but also creates some unfamiliarity.
I have seen a lot of funny responses to publishing the facts, using verbatim quotations. Ski, Glende, and Buske have ceased all meaningful Twitters. My guess is that they have changed addresses and limited their audience. WELS' discipline is not "Stop doing this!" but "Stop getting caught!" Earlier, Ski and Katie boasted about their Schwaermer conferences and Glende deceived his congregation. For Seattle, Glende again withheld facts about what the "pastor conference" was, but Ski and Katie were awesomely silent on everything but fun and food.
Church and Chicaneries informed me that it was unethical for me to quote their listserve comments, which are semi-public. They are also silent, suggesting they found a new medium, one more secure than the last one. The overpaid leeches of The Love Shack (Love Shack = Church and Change = WELS headquarters staff) do not think it is unethical to overthrow the elected head of their synod. They have been defiant, obnoxious, and disorderly crybabies. Several were called on the carpet for their behavior, so the secretive group had a collective hissy-fit.
The COP had to order C and C to disinvite Ed Stetzer! As someone noted, it spoke volumes that he was hired in the first place.
Wayne Mueller and Peter Kruschel both quit in another tantrum. Have these Jesus-people consulted with the Word of God about respect for leaders? Or the Small Catechism on the Fourth Commandment?
Bruce Becker left as soon as he realized that his job was perishing. Mark Jeske hired him. Mequon will feature him in August: WELS Pietistic Institute.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Sunday, May 31, 2009
Crocodile Tears from Real Crocks
WELS; Church and Change