Saturday, May 30, 2009

Leonard Sweet Undercuts Barna Book

Leonard Sweet: "It's all a myth---that frog that slowly boils to death without realizing its environment has changed. Wikipedia smashes another illustration."

The Frog in the Kettle, by George Barna.


GJ - I know about that because I am Facebook friends with Sweet and Stetzer. I am one of the few Lutherans who could be friends with both men and not start a popcorn cathedral of rock (with huge grants and subsidies of course).

I am not at all surprised that Sweet does his research and citations from Wikipedia.

Anyone with a little experience around animals knows that God's creatures are much smarter than the average Church Shrinker.

One WELS member said to me, "Guess what? My WELS pastor is having us read a book - The Frog in the Kettle. Have you heard of it?"

I said, "Yes. And you are the frogs he wants to boil alive."

This clueless frog helped start a Rock N Roll congregation, which grew to 30 in attendance in only 3 years, thanks to enormous subsidies and the protection of his VP. His blog was so convincing that he erased every file and closed it down.