Go to a WELS prep school, designed for training future ministers and teachers. Graduate from Northwestern College, which was built to train WELS pastors. Matriculate at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, and continue studies with exegesis in Greek, Hebrew, and Wauwatosa. Then get training from Methodist Craig Groeschel (left) and Babtist Andy Stanley (middle).

Go to LifeChurch, register, and download The Sickness Within: content and graphics.

Have the Creative Team meet and copy one of Groeschel's graphics.

Brag about the new creation, which looks just like Groeschel's.

Tom Plamann:
The sickness within man is done and ready for the green screen for the upcoming series at www.gotocore.com http://yfrog.com/7h251xj
6:33 PM May 16th from Twitterrific
The CORE Tweet:
The Sickness Within. A wire man. It all starts tomorrow at 5:30pm at The CORE. www.gotocore.com. Be there!
1:25 PM May 16th from Tweetie
Bishop Katie:
Tomplay awesome Tom!! You rock. Thanks.
6:39 PM May 16th from Tweetie in reply to Tomplay