Monday, May 25, 2009

Seminary Scholarship Funds Used To Fund Vicars, Support African Safaris

Seminary scholarship offerings are used to pay for the free vicar program, so the money goes to congregations, not students struggling to finish school.

Vicars in mission settings
Posted April 7th, 2009
The vicar year is a vital year of instruction for a seminary student. Students learn from hands-on ministry experiences as they are mentored by a supervising pastor. Because of the importance of this field experience, the seminary collaborates with the WELS Board for Home Missions (BHM) in subsidizing the cost of a vicar through the Vicars in Mission Settings Program.

For the past two years we have committed a substantial amount of money from our Scholarship Fund to allow mission congregations that perhaps could not afford a vicar to receive one. We pray that the Lord would allow us to continue to collaborate with the BHM in this important program of gospel outreach and pastoral training. 

Generous donations to the seminary’s Scholarship Fund make this collaboration possible. If you would like more information on how you can support the Vicars in Mission Settings Program, please contact the office of mission advancement.


GJ - The material above is posted from the WELS website. The vicar program has been abused by the Shrinkers two different ways.

  • Traditional congregations are denied a vicar while Randy Hunter gets one to train in latte evangelism.
  • This program is aimed at mission congregations, but Patterson's Holy Word is 30 years old and has a huge staff already.

    One thousand verbally abusive and anonymous comments may win some lucky rocker a free African safari with VP Patterson.