Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Predict the Future of WELS

Care to predict the future of WELS?

Guest Blogger:

I'm guessing that only 10 of the 40 seminarians next May will receive a call, since there are so many experienced missionaries and pastors now without calls, and families besides. Of course, nowadays, plenty of seminarians have children and a wife, too.

Care to venture any guesses on the state of the WELS in one year's time? BTW, that would make a great entry on your blog. Ask the blog readers to make their predictions about where the WELS will be in, say, June 2010. Also, for the C&Cers, they can copy and paste predictions from someone else, and claim they are their own. :)


GJ - When I was an adjunct at Glendale Community College, all of us newbies got the computer survey course. Due to shortages of faculty and large enrollments in computer science, I began to teach web design and Unix/Linux. Then as enrollments went down, the senior faculty took back web design and Unix/Linux. At the same time I went over to the big school, the senior faculty had to take the survey courses because no one wanted advanced computer classes anymore.

The same thing is happening with calls in WELS. Pastors are glad to take anything when their old position disappears. They are taking the calls that might have gone to seminary graduates. That is not all bad - for the congregations. Those congregations get well trained men who get a picture of ordinary life in a not so glamorous congregation. The graduating seniors will have to wait a long time for a call, I am afraid.

Feel free to post your response. I will Kelm the best ones.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Predict the Future of WELS":

Idea people are dime a dozen – i.e., C&C and many pastor-leaders. Those people disdain work. Doing the Work of our Lord falls in line with a quote of Thomas A. Edison, “What it boils down to is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.” Unless WELS finds pastor-leaders willing to focus on nurturing and outreach instead of fiddling away their time, it will find itself destined to failure, and finally its demise.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Predict the Future of WELS":

The upcoming senior class at MLC is about 23, which could very easily translate into 16-18 who present themselves for calls into the ministry in 4 yrs.


The Lund's Lives as Lutherans has left a new comment on your post "Predict the Future of WELS":

I am confused by this website and the harsh and cynical writing and venom towards WELS and other church bodies that are full of confessional Lutherans.

Why would you not ask the Lord's blessings upon the people in leadership and talk with them. An incendiary blog with hurtful speech does no one good and the kingdom of God much damage.


GJ - By all means, stay away from Luther's sermons. But perhaps you already have.