Monday, June 15, 2009

Sanity Breaks Out in WELS

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Sent By A WELS Layman":

As a WELS pastor, I agree with this observation. The ministry is, without a doubt, a calling in which one can be busy all the time while doing nothing in nurture and outreach. WELS has too many mini-popes and do-nothing kings. I would suggest something that would help WELS at all levels, namely that every WELS church carry out an every member visit between July 1 and December 31, 2009. This would help clarify our membership, increase our attendance, get our pastors reinvolved with all their members, and give us the real input we need to proceed on the local and synodical levels and in para-church ministries. As an added blessing, it would very likely increase offerings to our churches, which in turn would increase offerings to the synod.
I propose that this would do more good than a thousand agonizing think-tank meetings and twenty conventions.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Sent By A WELS Layman":

Kudos to the WELS pastor above to strike at the root of it. Our pastors are too busy with the stuff the congregation should be doing. We --the local church -- retain the pastor to minister to us, not to sit in on the "Ministry of Lawn Mowing"
committee meetings.

+Diet O. Worms