Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Breaking News - Aderman Is Back in His Parish and ...":
I don't know if Fairview is down to its conservative member or not, and that is why the CG pastor had to go. However, it should be noted that CG pastors regularly come and go from their churches and mega-churches. Of course, some pastors are more or less permanent. If Aderman went, would it just be a changing of the CG guard, or would they receive a confessional pastor?
GJ - I believe the Fairview conservatives would be like the Canadian conservatives. In Canada, there are liberal socialists and less liberal socialists. At Fairview, after years of Shrinkage work and frog-kissing, very little would be left. In an apostate denomination or congregation, the more discerning tend to leave, making it easier for the radicals to stay in power. The United Methodist Church is a prime example, with conservative sects leaving to establish a true Methodism and leaving Holy Mother Church like a hot-air balloon with no ballast. The hot-air balloon climbs even faster into the stratosphere of Marxism, Unitarianism, and gaiety.
The phrase 'pyrrhic victory' is an allusion to the battle. John Dryden's translation of Plutarch's Pyrrhus, 75 AD reports that:
"... they had fought till sunset, both armies were unwillingly separated by the night, Pyrrhus being wounded by a javelin in the arm, and his baggage plundered by the Samnites, that in all there died of Pyrrhus's men and the Romans above fifteen thousand. The armies separated; and, it is said, Pyrrhus replied to one that gave him joy of his victory that one other such would utterly undo him. For he had lost a great part of the forces he brought with him, and almost all his particular friends and principal commanders; there were no others there to make recruits, and he found the confederates in Italy backward."
One more victory like this and the Chicaneries are undone. Mail your FICs back to The Love Shack and attach a note to the Synod President. Why should members subsidize a wolf posing as a shepherd? Aderman retired from the ministry. The district announced his retirement, doubtless with a sign of relief. Grabbing back the same call is a wee bit self-centered, even for a Shrinker. The only thing commending the move is the cost-savings in keeping the parish websty exactly the same.
Does Aderman actually believe the First Table of the Ten Commandments, as explained in Luther's Large Catechism? I suggest that all members review that section of the Book of Concord, which by itself defeats the Shrinkers one and all.
Yet Aderman is going to teach the Ten Commandments to WELS.
That is more absurd that Paul Calvin Kelm being a clergy member of the Willow Creek Association, via St. Mark Depere, and being called as a Consultant at The Love Shack.