Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Let's Discuss Wasteful Spending

There are many more stories to tell about wasteful synod spending, but these stand out as prime examples.

Victory of the Movie Theater
They were excited to lease a movie theater, so they can lease anti-Lutheran films from anti-Lutherans. Their soccer camp equates the Resurrection of Christ with winning a game. Didja know soccer is a Means of Grace?

Regurgitated Groeschel. $250,000 spent so far - in Fox Valley, loaded with WELS congregations. Two full-time staffers, a pastor and a female assistant.

Rock N Roll
In spite of two full-time staffers and a $20,000 Antioch grant, this Round Rock mission is not setting the prairie on fire with copied sermons. Two full-time staffers, a pastor and a female assistant.

Latte Lutheran Church
Couches, movie screens. Gourmet coffee. Vicar. Two full-time staffers, a pastor and a female assistant, but does the pastor count when he is just on a movie screen? Featured in FIC, so it must be good. Randy Hunter got a vicar assigned, thanks to the DP, so Randy must be kosher.

CrossWalk in Phoenix
Pastor Jeff was TopGunn at Church and Change, until the money ran dry. The congregation was kept out of WELS membership by a vote of the district. He is shopping a call at WLC, the fetid womb of Church and Change.

Kudu Don Patterson has a well established church with a huge staff, but he needed another free vicar so he could hunt for zebras in Africa - and for Enthusiasm in Orlando.

CrossRoads in S. Lyons, Michigan
Unfair! they shriek. "They are no longer WELS." Ah yes, but DP Robert Mueller and VP Kuske approved the start of this congregation, which had three WELS pastors involved - Rick Miller, Mark Freier, and Kelly Voigt. All three pastors are thanked by Pastor Joe for establishing the Evangelical Covenant Church.