Sunday, July 12, 2009

Michigan Lutheran Seminary Will Close
And Then What?

Old Main, MLS - mistakenly called The Plywood Palace.
An anonymous source says my anonymous sources are wrong.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Michigan Lutheran Seminary Will CloseAnd Then What...":

Who will carry on the tradition of Zex-year hazing, pole mels, pink bellies, cardinals, shagging, etc. if MLS closes???


Two sources have told me that the Wisconsin Synod expects to close Michigan Lutheran Seminary.

The latest financial figures from WELS were reported sunny-side-up, but the reality is apparently much grimmer.

Martin Luther College has been gasping for several years now. Losing the candidates from MLS may well drop tuition income below the survival point.

There is talk about dealing with The Sausage Factory, too.

Meanwhile, Radloff has written a memorial to close both preps at once.

Radloff was a classmate of Valleskey, so the two worked together very well. Radloff turned the Southern region into a Fuller Seminary playground while pal Valleskey made Mequon a franchise of the Pasadena beehive.

Radloff edited the blasphemous Mission Counsellors' Newsletter, a goldmine of WELS Church Growth thinking.

Radloff is connected with Patterson's congregation. Surprised? I'm not.

The Shrinkers hate the schools.

The Michigan District did not fight against these trends 22 years ago. The pastors served their careers instead of guarding the Word. If someone was driven out for dissenting against Fuller/Willow Creek--and there were a number--the pastors were silent. Oh boy - more job openings.

Not now - and unemployment in Michigan is headed toward 20%.

The Shrinkers are God's chastisement against WELS for neglecting the Word of God, ignoring the Confessions, and abusing members and pastors.