Monday, July 6, 2009

Try To Keep Up with The Finkelsteinery

Wanted - real church musicians.

The Finkelsteinery is very active in providing worship and music insights.

I do not know who he is. I judge contributors by their writing. I was impressed with his work on Bailing Water and quoted him often. I am happy about his blogging.

We should not be shocked that the Chicaneries who promote bad theology would also feature bad music.

I was teaching a humanities course and growing weary of the promotion of rock music by some members of the class. I told them rock was a field where little talent was required. I did my imitation of a rock musician, with a loud "Twang!" and a scream. They asked for repeats and laughed.

They had to agree that most members of a symphony orchestra could play rock if they wanted. They also admitted that very few rock musicians could join a symphony orchestra.

The next week I brought my Bose radio-CD player to class. We were on the second floor, accessible only by elevator. I put Pachebel's Canon on, very loud. A Bose unit can easily push sound through walls without distorting the music. The rock fans walked into class in shock. They heard the music inside the elevator. "What is that?" Many members of the class wrote down the name so they could obtain a copy. They loved it.

Click here for a serious version of the Canon.

Click here for a funny rant about the Canon.

I like popular music, from country to bubble gum, but the greatest music is classical, 95% of my diet. Lutherans are letting go of a great hymn tradition - orthodox hymns of praise wedded to music Bach chose to feature in many of his works.

Freddy Finkelsteinis posting hymns on his blog. Norman Teigen got me posting the embed code. Thanks to You Tube, we can watch the most dreadful music videos - or the best.