Friday, August 21, 2009

ELCA Now in Communion Fellowship with Methodists

The liberal United Methodists were among the first to adopt the Social Gospel Movement. They have also been activists in the pro-abortion and homosexual arenas. They do not teach the Real Presence, but ELCA is in altar fellowship with them anyway.

The Methodist representative spoke of love when he addressed the ELCA Assembly. Love transcends doctrine, they think. Love transforms people in vague ways. Love unites, but doctrine divides. Leonard Sweet is a United Methodist - his Chicanery followers in WELS think just like him.

ELCA is also in fellowship with the Moravians, founded by Zinzendorf, who strongly influenced Methodism.

David Preus, first cousin of Robert and Jack Preus, pushed The ALC into altar fellowship with the Reformed because James Crumley was ostentatiously cozying up to the Antichrist in Rome. ELCA added the all-religions-the-same United Church of Christ (Jeremiah Wright) to its list of ecumenical scalps.