Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Matthew 18 and Graham's Grandson

Tullian Tchividjian, Billy Graham's grandson, took over Coral Ridge Presbyterian (D. James Kennedy) and survived an outster attempt by Kennedy's daughter.
Christianity Today

If you were an unchurched person reading about dissident church members trying to oust their pastor, how open would you be to seeing Christianity as the answer for your life?

"Not very open. Francis Schaeffer once said that division inside the church gives the world the justification they're looking for not to believe.

This conflict ensued because those who had a grievance did not come to me or the leadership of the church, but they took it to the street. They did not follow Matthew 18."


GJ - The article says that Coral Ridge attendance went down when the late D. James Kennedy became more openly political (conservative) from the pulpit. The website loads with errors and very slowly, even at 3 AM.

Kennedy died in the saddle, so anyone following him had to compete with a dead saint. Kennedy was also the founding pastor of the church and served it for 47 years. Besides, that, Tchividjian merged his church with Kennedy's to become the new pastor. Merged churches and denominations always have conflicts and remembered identities - "I was the usher chairman at the old church," etc.

The congregation has suffered financially and sold off land. That would not make the charter members happy.

Matthew 18 - how familiar that sounds. The Chicaneries observe Matthew 18 and the Eighth Commandment in the breach. Hundreds of accusations have been sent to this blog - all anonymously. My favorites are the long citations of Biblical passages, calling on me to repent from printing the truth - sent anonymously. The Chicaneries never mention the First Table, which they dishonor with their heart, soul, strength, and mind.

Friends have described how they heard me denounced by name by various WELS leaders at public meetings. The concept seems to be - If we can bury someone under enough mud, no one will realize the statements are true. Or, they will be too afraid to say anything, lest they get the same treatment.