Sunday, September 20, 2009

New Jeske Translation

"Sit down right chere, Jerry, let's talk about incentives for the switch.
I, ahem, the members, need RSO status. Done deal? Aw-right!"

Sample Agreement The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod Recognized Service Organization
Section 1. Recognized Service Organization
… RSO agrees (a) to foster the mission and ministry of the Synod, (b) to engage in programs in harmony with the Synod and (c) not to act contrary to the doctrines and practices of the Synod … %20Opportunities/RSO%20Agreement.pdf

I am a 5th generation WELS guy and have no plans to leave.

KJV 1 Corinthians 4:2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

King Jeske Version - Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man trace his DNA back five generations. There, I said it.

Ski, Jeske, and CEO Ministries. Ski can teach new missions how to turn $250,000 into a mega-church of 15 members, starved of Holy Communion because "the custom Holy Communion set has not arrived."

The ELS recently asked, "How significant is Church and Change in WELS? Is Jeske really the leader of that group?"

Answer - Church and Chicanery still infests WELS Headquarters (aka The Love Shack).

The Church Growth Movement = Church and Change = Perish Services, Mission Boards, and FIC. Perish Services has spent lavishly on itself while charging enormous sums to congregations for boilerplate advice, without putting in the right fill-in-the-blanks information. One WEF had this - "When the bells stop ringing, and the service starts..." Members laughed. Another church saw the wrong congregational name here and there in their custom report. For this, Perish Services charges $7,000 to $35,000. Next, Ron Roth and Jeff Davis step in to raise funds - for themselves. Nice work.

Jeske the head of Chicanery? Listen to him blab about himself and change in his Mequon lecture. Read his blog about "everything must change" - with awe and wonder. Look at the Church and Change stealth board of directors:
Brian Lampe - from St. Markus.
Ski - worked at St. Markus.
Bruce Becker - now works for Time of Generic Grace.

Nathan Krause presents at Chicanery conferences but serves as a pastor in the confessional ELS? Where is the Left Foot of Fellowship so vigorously extended by the hobnail boot of Pope John the Malefactor?