They have their own website. Watch their videos here.
The key motivator of Church Shrinkage, now called Emerging Church, is "sick of church." Don Pieper uses it on his website. Ski exudes it at The CORE. I could find more examples, but the bored are extremely boring. They copy each other's ennui and call it evangelism.
Long ago and far away, Rick Miller (WELS, now ex-WELS) used the same language in starting a mission for those "sick of church." Church was boring, meaningless, irrelevant. That sounds like Ski today. They all sound the same. Miller, Freier, and Voigt managed to turn a Missouri/WELS start into an Evangelical Covenant congregation.
They like to denounce everyone as "money-grubbing" (Don Pieper, etc). No one scrounges for money more than Church and Chicanery. There is not one self-supporting church among them. They waste incredible amounts of loot from foundations, Thrivent, and the synod. Gunn, Parlow, Doebler, Ski, and Patterson have their hands out all the time. Their political managers at The Love Shack "help" (divide) congregations and demand $5,000 to $35,000 for boilerplate nonsense. They call their business "Parish Services."