Here is the story, reported in England, but not here.
Remember the DC sniper and his boyfriend? I predicted he was a Muslim with military training, long before he was caught. He was, in fact, a Muslim with military training.
One person argued that Obama could not be Muslim because he was a member of Jeremiah Wright's radical UCC congregation for 20 years. So that proves Obama was a nominal member of a denomination recognizing all world religions as equal - the ever shrinking United Church of Christ.
I know a number of Lutheran clergy who have always been members of WELS but identify exclusively with the doctrine of Fuller Seminary. I could mention Dr. Jeske and Mr. Hide, who glory in being being anti-Lutheran, even though Mark brags about being "fifth generation WELS."
Another person, who is very thorough with the facts, offered some good objections to the argument that Obama is a Muslim: his smoking, drinking, etc. Obama bowed deeply to the Saudi king, yet he also wore a yarmulke in Israel. Perhaps he is actually an atheist like his hippie mother, a chameleon in religion.
In less than a year, Obama has appointed corrupt radicals to every possible position and invented many new positions for his czars. Some say we know very little about Obama. It is true that all his records are hidden, including his kindergarten records. However, his past is relatively well known but seldom discussed by serious mainstream journalists. His grandparents were Leftists. His childhood mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, a known communist with a very good connections to rich Chicago Leftists. Obama's connection to Bomber Ayers may go back to his days at Columbia U. We know that Ayres was his neighbor in Chicago, his partner in spending foundation money for education, and the ghostwriter of his autobiography (according to Ayres himself).
The Cuban Health Care bill has passed the House. We will continue to learn more about Obama as his presidency continues. The energy tax is also on the docket, promising to increase Obama's legacy as the creator of the Second Great Depression. Some are already calling him the "Black Jimmy Carter."