Friday, December 11, 2009

Blog List Changes

I am not alone in wondering why people read this blog and then complain. This is not required reading at any seminary or synod headquarters.

If the Chicaneries want sermons and quotations 24/7, they can concentrate on the Bethany blog.

I started the Bethany blog so people could read sermons alone and not have to plow through various news items.

Sadly, using the Bethany blog will make some people see that the sermons are being read all over the world, especially the Third World. Perhaps the Parable of the Sower is valid after all! (I am just teasing the humorless Shrinkers. They need to relax a little more, while their Titanic is sinking.)

There are no secret passwords to get to the information provided here - no members only entrance, no application for access (as the Chicaneries demand).

What riles the Shrinkers so much? They operate in secret, so they do not like their leaders and plans exposed. When the lights are turned on, they head for the dark recesses again, just like cockroaches.

Shrinkers are also in a rage because they are losing ground.

Most of all, they hate sound doctrine. They strut about while their synod subsidies, Thrivent grants, and foundation money flows. But now they have neither money nor doctrine to boast about, so they have to fume and threaten.
