For all of you who are sick of the guys always acting so gay I mean, a little here and there is fine, but when it becomes a part of your everyday life, there needs to be a line drawn as to how far this can go! Also, This is just a complete joke! It's just for fun!! I thought it would give everyone a good laugh! so relax, sit back and reflect, and LAUGH!

John Schleis Sorry guys, but my post was made in fun and was not serious at all.
Sorry for the confusion, and I wanted to put a "j" instead of a "z" but I put a "z" for whatever reason.

Cheree Koenig yeah zealous?? don't get that one John. and snap, if there are guys, (or well anyone for that matter) that are taking this group totally serious.. uhh they SHOULD relax!! :D.. i admit it is frustrating sometimes.. but this group makes it less frustrating and more of a joke, and just something to laugh about.

Amanda Mikula i just want you all to know, i only made this group as a joke! it wasnt something i was being serious about...all a complete JOKE!!!! so everyone needs to relax and just laugh about it!

Elisabeth Bishop sure, it's gross. but just be thankful it's all a joke. at least we only see heterosexual couples making out in centennial lobby, not homosexuals. and this group will very likely not stop the behavior of the boys here at mlc, but rather, will make them feel that they need to make an even bigger spectacle of themselves,... cuz now they're getting facebook attention for it. i'm not saying it was bad to make this group, but just be prepared for the repercussions!! :)

Cheree Koenig I think it gets worse when all the guys are 'drunk' like tonight at cos, i think they were all dancing with other guys at some point in the night! any way, im just sick of it, cause it is GROSS!

Peter Wells hey,....can i help it if even the men want a piece of me. I don't blame them, i mean i am hot and all...but sorry guys, i don't roll like that

Matthew Borck what hurts, hutch, your bumhole?
and gunnar, I'm not the one trying to touch another man's unit in the hallway

Gunnar Ledermann check this out. for one thing, borck is always naked in concord and only speaks of gayness therefore its always on his mind. the first time i met shinick he was singing the doxology naked with moldy in my room.

Cheree Koenig Amen to this group! it's just creepy how "close" some of the guys are here at mlc. they do need to know where to draw the line. maybe this will help them see the light.

Tyler Shinnick Wow.....
I'm all for a good game here and there, but the constant pillow biting and everything that's going around is just taking it too far.....queers. Go join the ELCA