Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reconciliation - Rome's Way

ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson
Nodding my staff like yeah, waving my alb like yeah.

SceleratissimusLutheranus has left a new comment on your post "Just As I Warned - WELS Has Women's Ordination Wit...":

Dr. Jackson, I remember you saying in one of your video lessons that all the leaders from the Lutheran church bodies, with their life partners, would be kissing the Pope and telling him how sorry they are for the Reformation in 2017.

I don't think your assessment was too far off the mark. Doesn't women's ordination usually follow the homosexuals getting their "rights" as well?


GJ -  Women's ordination is not the main problem: it is a symptom of the real problem. When the authority and efficacy of the Word are abandoned, everyone knows - anything goes. In the last 50 years, homosexual and feminist activists have worked together for their parallel goals in the church. Apostasy benefits many groups at once as the visible church fractures. Clever leaders simply side-step the main issue. Every symptom reflects the foundation of the new thinking - the old heresies.

Unionism promotes doctrinal indifference and doctrinal indifference supports unionism. When all the Lutheran synods looked to Fuller and Willow Creek as their ministry model, every foul error was bound to follow.

The Enthusiasm of Pietism (separating the Holy Spirit from the Word) has expressed itself in two ways among the American Lutherans. One is the Church Growth Movement. The other is Romanism or its clone, Eastern Orthodoxy. Smells-and-bells Lutherans fall all over each other in praising Roman Catholic leaders and aping  high mass, which Chemnitz called "either a farce or a tragedy." The incensed Lutheran priests-in-waiting think they have the solution to Church Growthism, but they are just another expression of the same disease - Enthusiasm.