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A Portrait of Community

The Details: Mounted on Peace Lutheran’s outer wall, the mosaic is 14 feet in diameter and made up of more than 43,000 colorful, quarter-inch tiles.
“We wanted something that would both capture a sense of the history of our congregation—its priorities and values over the years—and something that would convey the spirit we’re being led to in the future,” says the Rev. Steve Harms, Peace Lutheran’s senior pastor (pictured).
Created with help from local artists Richard Caemmerer and Jennifer Mitchell, the mosaic includes symbols representing various faith communities throughout the Danville area. At the heart of the mosaic is an open space for interchangeable, two-foot-wide pieces created by each faith community for display on their holy days.
The Result: For Peace Lutheran members and members of the greater Danville community, the mosaic is a permanent reminder to celebrate differences and a perfect metaphor for togetherness.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Your Thrivent Money at Work - ELCA Brags":
Habitat-Thrivent house goes to a Somali, and everyone knows that 99.9 percent of Somalians are Muslim. Ironically, one of the Thrivent board members is an ELCA lesbian. I wonder whether she's ever read Sharia law on the topic of lesbians. Moreover, I thought Habitat houses went to single mothers mainly, and that Somali couple of Arab extraction doesn't look exactly poor and downtrodden!
So instead of $125 million going to Lutheran causes, it's going to help Allah establish a serious foothold in America. Soon the muezzin will be heard at the Thrivent HQ, and they'll have only themselves to blame.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Your Thrivent Dollars Promote All Religions Togeth...":
From a previous comment on Thrivent:
"First Thrivent did away with its scholarship program and now the GivingPlus program, both of which were used for Lutheran education."
Yes, everyone knows that the LCMS and WELS have the educational programs, and the liberals have next to nothing. Even their seminaries are small and shrinking and feminized.
So to tailor a giving program so the money can go anywhere and not involve groups of Lutheran participating in projects or charities is exactly what the liberal want. The shrinking liberal churches find it hard to get enough group participation.
The ease of using the tick-off box and "giving at the office" meant that money went to non-Christian and gay groups, and then shortly after that, the groups deemed intolerant like the Boy Scouts were axed from the eligible charities list altogether!