As many know, the Wisconsin Synod is concentrated in the State of Wisconsin. The state
is was also the hub of Church and Change. The three Doctrinal Pussycats were in the mainstream of unionistic Pietism when Mischke and Gurgle were infallible Synodical Popes. Paul Calvin Kelm and Wayne Mueller made sure the Fuller Seminary agenda ruled and rocked.
The Love Shack enjoyed controlling the synod convention and calling it the highest level of governance, the ultimate legislature. The Holy Spirit spoke through Mission Vision directives! Moreover, when Voss tried to speak in favor of keeping Northwestern College, he was not even allowed the floor. SPs let the staff dominate all discussions, and the drones always lined up to give themselves even more staff and money while starving the schools. Besides, the vote to have DMLC annex NWC actually failed at the convention. As told to me by someone who knew, the votes were flipped. The count was accurate, just turned around so amalgamation won.
But now, the same people--who hid behind their manufactured conventions--are howling about the results of the last two meetings. Church and Change even had to name their last meeting
Regaining Momentum. Meanwhile, they are taking on more water than the Titanic.
The worst Doctrinal Pussycats are the State of Wisconsin leaders:
- Rev. Douglas Engelbrecht, Northern Wisconsin District, home of the Appleton Dumbling Gang and The CORE.
- Rev. David Rutschow, Southeastern Wisconsin District, protector of the Mark Jeske empire.
- Rev. Herbert Prahl, Western Wisconsin District: his son vicared for Dom Patterson.
Here is the Synodical Council, unwieldy and unLutheran, with a few exceptions:
Rev. Mark Schroeder, president and chairman
Mr. Dale Anderson, South Atlantic District.
Mr. Rodger Anderson, North Atlantic.
Mr. Kurt Austad, Nebraska District.
Mr. Warren Ehlke, Pacific Northwest District.
Rev. Douglas Engelbrecht, Conference of Presidents. Ski's best friend, besides Andy Stanley.
Rev. Jonathan Schroeder, pastor-at-large.
Mr. James Moeller, teacher-at-large.
Mr. Seth Hansen, Dakota-Montana District.
Mr. Philip Hempel, Michigan District.
Mr. Ron Hillmann, Northern Wisconsin District.
Mr. Paul Holzhueter, Minnesota District.
Rev. Philip Koelpin, chairman of WELS Board for World Missions.
Rev. Peter Naumann, Conference of Presidents.
Rev. David Rutschow, Conference of Presidents. Human shield for Jeske.
Mr. Tom Schlittenhart, Arizona-California District.
Mr. Timothy Snyder, Southeastern Wisconsin District.
Rev. Philip Hirsch, chairman of WELS Board for Ministerial Education.
Mr. John Tappe, Western Wisconsin District.
Mr. Robert Timmermann, Central Southern Babtist District - Safari leader for Dom Patterson. According to Timmerman, worship is mostly adiaphora. Rock on, Robert.
Rev. Earle Treptow, pastor-at-large.
Rev. Charles Westra, chairman of WELS Board for Home Missions - most unlikely trained in Church Growth. His governance coincides with the SPcy of Mark Schroeder.
+Diet O. Worms has left a new comment on your post "Church and Change Districts Feeling Heat":
"Dom" Patterson -- as in Dom Deluise?
GJ - Dom is a title of respect, but some may also associate it with
Dom Perignon champagne, living high on the hog.
Phil has left a new comment on your post "Church and Change Districts Feeling Heat":
To say that someone is "most likely" involved in something sinful is slander. I don't know Pastor Westra, but if he is the orthodox Lutheran pastor Anon 10:32 says he is, you have tarnished his good name.
Keep reporting the stuff you know is true and publicly committed (through MLC and I've read the Book of Concord? whaaat?) but stay away from the "educated guesses".
GJ - I think it is a sin to post an accusation anonymously, but I am a legalist, according to David Valleskey who
never did go to Fuller Seminary.
The Bored of Home Missions (bored of Lutheran doctrine and worship) has promoted Fuller's Church Growth agenda ever since Norm Berg, maybe before. They systematically looted WELS offering money to send missionaries, domestic and foreign, to Fuller and Willow Creek, all the while pretending to uphold "fellowship principles." There they high-fived LCMS, ELS, and ELCA pastors going for the same purpose. And they worked together, feverishly, on CG projects funded by skimming Thrivent funds.
This post is based on knowledge, reading, library research, speaking to people, and getting letters from people directly involved.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Church and Change Districts Feeling Heat":
Greg, much of what you say about home missions is true, but there's a reason Westra's chairmanship coincides chronologically with Pres. Schroeder's election. To blame the new man for past errors would be v e t y (
sic) shoddy research, and just poor math.
GJ - That is good news. My comments about the past are unimpeachable, and I have never heard WELS issue a correction, an apology, or even an "Excuse us." Note my correction about Pastor Westra above. How many bloggers take the time to update or correct a post? I even adjusted the Timmerman listing. I appreciate all discussions where more precise information comes out.