KFUO-AM airing a new showKFUO-AM is now airing "Time of Grace," a weekly program featuring Pastor Mark Jeske, senior pastor at St. Marcus Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wis.Each week, Pastor Jeske delivers a Bible-based message providing the hope and truth of God's Word in down-to-earth "straight talk." Tune in at 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays to KFUO-AM 850 in St. Louis or listen wherever you are online at http://www.kfuoam.org/
| About "Time of Grace""Time of Grace," a service organization recognized by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, is an outreach media ministry founded in 2001 by a small group of committed, focused Lutheran Christians. The sole mission of this nonprofit organization has always been to share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible through the most advanced technology available.To most effectively accomplish that goal, "Time of Grace's" centerpiece ministry is a weekly, 30-minute television program. It is the audio portion of this program that will be broadcast on KFUO-AM 850. |