Sunday, January 3, 2010

Write A Letter

DP Engelbrecht.

Jim Becker WELS has left a new comment on your post "Fruit of the Stealth Mission":

I wrote to President Schroeder on the Ski/Glende issue and received his personal reply within a week. I told him I was admonishing the Synod in advance if these men were not removed from their posts within a month.

He replied that he became aware of the situation a few days before I wrote him. He forwarded it to the president of the Northern Wisconsin District, whose job Schroeder said it is to deal with this initially, and is awaiting a report from him. While he desires to have matters like this addressed very quickly and decisively, there are times when the process of dealing with pastoral wrongdoing may take a little longer. He asked that I have some patience as they work through those who are called to carry out evangelical discipline.

I also addressed the Thrivent issue, and will deal with his response on a later post. I felt Pastor Schroeder really understood my concerns and that his response was immediate and thoughtful.


GJ - This layman is responding appropriately. For the first time in 30 years, there are leaders who will listen and respond - in WELS.

I have linked with a lot of LCMS ministers lately. I am impressed with the number who are Triglotta Lutherans. (Father Neuhaus called himself a confessional Lutheran before he poped, so I have to use a better term.) I am somewhat optimistic about the Quiche-niks being replaced.

ELCA Lutherans have a weak background in apologetics, but the Episcopal/gay crisis has thrown them into study. That is also good.


dk has left a new comment on your post "Write A Letter":

I agree that errors in doctrine and practice need to be dealt with swiftly. But I've heard that within the WELS structure it is very difficult to deal with problems swiftly and this leads me to ask:

If the WELS CAN'T take care of problems immediately does it have the right to exist, under its own self-definition? According to the WELS, Synod=Church, correct? We all know that the legitimacy of a church depends on its doctrinal integrity. Maintaining doctrinal integrity means dealing with problems quickly so they don't spread. So if the WELS is 1 church, as they claim, how legitimate are they?

SP Schroeder has a big job, partly because of the WELS structure and partly because these problems have been festering for two decades or more.

The office of WELS synod president is not a dictator--no
WELS synod president has the executive authority to make changes (termination of calls etc.) instantly and based on his judgment alone. There's a well ordered system in place for the purpose of preventing quick changes. One must recognize that this ties the hands of Triglotta Lutherans when error does arise in attempts to guard against liberals who might hold the same office.

SP Schroeder is no exception. I'm under the impression that he has to play "the game" because of the limitation on his authority. While it's a shame that he's hampered, I'd rather have a Conservative as SP than someone like Kelm. God uses faithful men for his purposes in whatever situation they find themselves. I imagine Schroeder has a full plate and he can use our prayers--wishing him swiftness.

Remember though, that if you're WELS you ARE in close fellowship with Ski, Glende, Jeske, Kelm, Hunter, Gunn, and all the rest. YOU belong to the same church and by your testimony you are one in faith with them! At what point should you contest the legitimacy of the WELS based on an absence of church discipline?

Sooner or later something has to happen and people will have to be held accountable.

My new years resolution is to write the District Presidents who have errant pastors under them. CC your emails to president Schroeder so that Schroeder has more to refer to when he talks to the DPs about the problems. I'll just bet that by respectful protest (a flood of emails) the Triglotta Lutherans could really aid in the process of church discipline!