Friday, February 26, 2010

Keep Up with Lutheran News Links

Admit it. You like the LOLcats, too.

I cut out the blog list and realized how much I used it. I like Lutheran News, which is a blog of Lutheran blogs. It picks up blog posts from the entire spectrum, including your favorites, which are already linked. Linking promotes more reading and more search engines finding and more linking and reading, like Dune and that berry juice.

The final result is that active bloggers occupy the top position in Google searches, whether they are web, image, or blog searches.

The WELS emerging apostate churches yak about outreach, but they never seem to get their blogs going. If their Twitter addresses are discovered, the messages stop. One can only guess that they despise the Parable of the Sower and the efficacy of the Word.

I have had a good time searching through the open pages of Facebook, yet another web feature. Many of the best and brightest of the Church Apostate are too dumb to lock down their information. They will not let me be a friend, but they open up their lists of friends, their wall comments, and their photo albums. I will reveal more later.

All the Fuller classes in the world will not make WELS friendly to non-relatives. Love is the fruit of the Gospel, so love is lacking in UOJ sects.