Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Shifting Blog Gears

This is not Norman Teigen.
Norman thinks it looks like him, too.

I have posted enough to show where WELS and the Little Sect on the Prairie are going. I am going to shift away from current events to concentrate on Lutheran doctrine.

Pastors and laity can easily come to the conclusion that someone is doing their job for them. They can whisper among themselves about the latest scandals and reckon that something will be done, now that everyone knows.

I only see evidence that blood is thicker than doctrine in the old Synodical Conference.

Moreover, the love of money is the root of all evil.

Wealthy people like apostasy and support it lavishly. Witness The CORE blowing through $500,000 during a recession, cloning the worst of the Reformed sects and calling it outreach or transformation.

Consider the Arizona-California-Las Vegas District of WELS, applying absolutely no discipline to their non-WELS congregation, CrossWalk in Phoenix. Quite the contrary is true - Jeff Gunn has taken a place in leadership at Wisconsin Lutheran College, with two of his members. When I pointed that out, WLC stopped identifying the membership of its board by parish. In effect, WELS has rewarded Gunn for avoiding Holy Communion, denying his nominal Lutheran identity, and shunning Lutheran doctrine.

For dessert, WLC has added Paul Calvin Kelm to its staff, in spite of his lifelong devotion to Reformed doctrine. I should say - because of it.

The ELS is no different, clucking its frostbit tongue at the doctrinal shenanigans of WELS, while sporting their own Emerging Pietistic congregation.

The ELS and WELS save their wrath for anyone telling the truth, or even wondering about it. However, they delegate their hothead or pothead children to do their work for them. I don't mind - I consider it an honor. But it does show that they can all get angry, but always for the wrong reason.

In my opinion, all the Doctrinal Pussycats should be fired. But they were elected, and they would be replaced by more felines, who will say anything to get into office and do anything to stay in office. That is what the people want and they will pay dearly for it.