One of the Shrinker fans has honored Brett Meyer by writing fake posts in his name. That is the only way to tell when the WELS false teachers have figured out the score. They cannot engage in a doctrinal discussion, so they engage in sneak attacks.
Surprise - the overnight comments dropped almost to nothing, because I set up Open ID.
Here is one way to get an ID to use:
Just go here to get an OpenID:
"Your OpenID URL is how sites that accept OpenID know you. You can use your name or anything that you want to be known by."
The comments will still come to me first, via email.
Many bloggers turn off comments because they get tired of the anonymous, destructive, childish comments that flow in. The anti-anti-CG and anti-anti-UOJ bloggers cannot keep up with this site, so they try to hitch a free ride in an attempt to have an audience larger than their family reunion.